Category Archives: Yamachan

#936: Yamachan Tonkotsu Ramen Mild Pork Flavor Soup Base

I did a Meet The Manufacturer on Yamachan a little while back and found their products to be quite good! Here’s a new one they’ve come out with – a mild Tonkotsu! Sounds excellent! Thanks to the folks at Yamachan in San Jose, California for sending this! Now, to the review!

Here’s the back of the package (click image to enlarge).

The noodle blocks, although they’re not very blocky! Fresh and nice looking!

2012_12_2_936_003 (2)

Here’s the soup base.

They also sent bamboo shoots, aka ‘menma.’

Finished (click image to enlarge). Added sweet onions, thinly sliced ham, minced garlic, hard boiled egg, kizami shoga (pickled ginger, menma, and Urashima Sesame & Salt furikake. The noodles are very nice – a little chewy and firm of backbone but gentle and giving as well. The broth is extremely good. Strong notes of pork and a very comforting flavor makes the noodle and broth pair exquisite., This is wonderful stuff – go find it (I’ve seen Yamachan products it in the cold case at 99 Ranch Market as well as Uwajimaya in the Seattle area)! 5.0 out of 5.0 stars! UPC bar code 767921019305 .

How to make and share Yamachan ramen!

Drumming at a Japanese festival in San Jose, California – lot of stamina to do this stuff!


Filed under * Stars 4.1-5.0, Japan, Pork, USA, Yamachan

Meet The Manufacturer #889: Yamachan Ramen Rich Shoyu Ramen

This is the last of the samples I got from Yamachan Ramen! Must admit I’m sad to see them go! Very tasty fare and it’s been a lot of fun!@ This one’s shoyu. Let’s give it a try.

Here’s the back of the package (click to enlarge).

Here are the bags of fresh ramen noodles.

The soup base.

Finished. Added broccoli, yellow onion, green bell pepper, turkey breast, hard boiled egg, kizami shoga (pickled ginger), green onions and Ajishima Kimchi furikake. The noodles are nice – chewy and fresh. The broth is pretty good – has a strong soy taste but also a bitterness and a sweetness – as lot going on there. Good stuff! 4.0 out of 5.0 stars.UPC bar code 767921011101 .

A neat video on how they demo the mild Yamachan Ramen varieties at a grocery store.

How to make Yakibuta Ramen – this is classic!

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Filed under * Meet The Manufacturer, * Stars 3.1-4.0, Other, USA, Yamachan

Meet The Manufacturer #888: Yamachan Ramen Nagasaki Sara Udon Chicken Flavor

Here’s something different. Sara Udon means plate noodles – what you have is a crispy noodle that is thin. You put them on the plate and crush gently, then add the sauce and during the meal, the noodles go from crisp to soft. It’s a texture sensation! Well, let’s check it out!

Here’s the back of the package (click to enlarge). Notice the directions.

Here are the noodles. Like big nests of thin noodles.

Here are the packets of liquid seasoning.

Finished. Added yellow onion, broccoli, green bell pepper, chicken, green onion and Ajishima Kimchi furikake. The noodles are of a very interesting nature; when they don’t have sauce on them, they are crunchy. When they do, they absorb the liquid and become increasingly soggy – in a good way! The sauce is a slightly thick lightly chicken flavored concoction. The flavor is very nice – definitely not too salty at all and really tasty. This is a uniquely Japanese dish that evolves as you eat it – from crisp to soft noodle texture. Loved this one – 4.25 out of 5.0 stars. UPC bar code 767921016809 .

Yamachan Ramen factory!

This guy looks pretty happy!


Filed under * Meet The Manufacturer, * Stars 4.1-5.0, Chencun, USA, Yamachan

Meet The Manufacturer #887: Yamachan Ramen Cold Noodles With Lemon Soy Dressing

I’ve had a few cold noodle varieties from South Korean manufacturers, but never any Japanese cold noodles. Let’s have a look at this one!

Here’s the back of the package (click to enlarge). Notice the different cooking instructions.

The noodle blocks.

This is the dressing; you don’t dilute it.

Finished. Added green bell pepper, yellow onion, broccoli, green onion, oven baked chicken, hard boiled egg and Ajishima Kimchi furikake. The noodles are just as good cold as hot – they are nice and fresh and chewy and wonderful. The dressing is very delicate and light. It goes very well – has a light lemon taste which is nice. Good stuff! 4.0 out of 5.0 stars. UPC bar code 767921019404 .

The Yamachan Ramen noodle factory!

This looks really cool – I think I’ll see what my son thinks of it. He’s seen all of the Star Blazers (Space Battleship Yamato) and we’re checking out Robotech currently;y.


Filed under * Meet The Manufacturer, * Stars 3.1-4.0, Other, USA, Yamachan

Meet The Manufacturer #886: Yamachan Ramen Tonkotsu-Shoyu Rich Pork Flavor Ramen

Tonkotsu-Shoyu… This one looks really interesting!

Here’s the back of the package (click to enlarge).

Here are the fresh ramen packets.

Here are the soup base packets.

Yamachan also has bamboo shoots (menma)! They sent me some. Click to enlarge.

Finished. Added broccoli and yellow onions, green onions, some pork with Spade L Ranch Pork Rub, bamboo shouts, hard boiled egg with Krazy Mixed Up Salt and a little Ajishima Kimchi Furikake. The noodles are really good as usual – nicely chewy and really fresh. The broth has a complex flavor – a strong soy taste. Has a sort of bitterness and a sweet taste as well. Lovely color too. This is some tasty stuff! 4.75 out of 5.0 stars! UPC bar code 767921011309 .

How to cook Yamachan Ramen!

Uchuu Senkan Yamato!

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Filed under * Meet The Manufacturer, * Stars 4.1-5.0, Pork, USA, Yamachan