Category Archives: Yum Yum

#563: Yum Yum Oriental Style Instant Noodles Duck Flavour

We reach the last of the instant noodles sent by Michael V.N. from Holland with Yum Yum Duck flavor. Thanks again Michael – these have all been a real myriad of different flavors and brands I’ve never seen here before.

Here’s the back of the package.

From left to right, chili powder, powder seasoning and seasoned oil.

Here’s the seasoning waiting for the noodles!

I added a couple eggs I scrambled in the pan with a couple shakes of Cavender’s Greek Seasoning. So these noodles are decent. The flavor is different; spicy and a little hot and has a slight sweetness. I like it! 3.25 out of 5.0 stars.

Noodles that make you feel like you’ve been shot out of a cannon? Crazy…

The first in a series of random Thanksgiving home movies people have posted on YouTube. No idea who these people are…





Filed under * Stars 3.1-4.0, Other, Thailand, Yum Yum

#554: Yum Yum Oriental Style Instant Noodles Shrimp Flavour (Tom Yum)

Here we have some Yum Yum noodles sent to me from Holland. made in Thailand and they’re Tom Yum flavor. Sounds good to me – here we go.

Just like all the other Yum Yum flavorrs except this one has drk flavored oil – hmm…

Looks like oil and perhaps a paste going on.

The finished product. A couple of fried eggs and a few drips of the new Tabasco Buffalo style hot sauce. Noodles aren’t great but not bad – kind of baseline good. The first thing I taste is lemon, characteristic tom yum. Spicy too. The broth has a nice color and flavor that permeates the noodles very well. Good bowl of noodles – 3.5 out of 5.0 stars.

Yum Yum Jumbo Tom Yum Talay commercial.

This is a strange commercial; it’s just a burger. Looks very boring. But I wonder what ‘dressings’ they offer? There’s one of these next to Seafood City in Tukwila… Hmmm.


Filed under * Stars 3.1-4.0, Seafood, Thailand, Yum Yum

#546: Yum Yum Oriental Style Instant Noodles Vegetable Flavour

Vegetable flavor huh? Vegetables are supposedly something that makes one healthy. I don’t think they’re present in much of a relevant amount here, but let’s see what we’ve got.

Seasoning powder and seasoned oil at the ready.  I just read in the ingredients: “vegetables in varying proportions: garlic, onion, carrot and onion leaf.

I had to get a pic of the ingredient list in all the languages. I also noticed that empty white field in the upper right quadrant – I wonder if one could just put an address on it and ship it off?

A bowl of seasnings awaiting the noodles…

So here we are – I pan scrambled a couple of eggs and then kind of flipped them over on themselves oddly. I topped them with some fried shallot. The noodles were pretty good and of a decent quality and despite the size of the package, the noodles were of a decent quantity as well. The broth had a nice taste to it, although I don’t know how easily I would discern the difference from chicken flavor or vegetable flavor; perhaps the vegetable doesn’t have that light fake butter flavoring in it. The little tiny bits of vegetables that were present were nice. A good bowl of noodles – 3.5 out of 5.0 stars.

Rad Yum Yum commercial!

The shallots I used come in a little container and are dry and super good but not like these which look absolutly awesome. I think I’ll be trying this out sometime!


Filed under * Stars 3.1-4.0, Thailand, Vegetable, Yum Yum

#541: Yum Yum Oriental Style Instant Noodles Chicken Flavour

Here’s another of the Yum Yum’s that were sent from Holland! Chicken flavor eh? I like chicken as well as chickens!

A dual packet with dry powder seasoning and chicli powder and a packet of vegetable oil. I’m sure you could’ve just read that though.

Top left is the oil, on the right is the powder seasoning and lower left is chili powder. This is another of the new bowls I got yesterday!

All done with a couple fried eggs. I really liked the noodles – very light and kind of thin. Not super thin – just a slight bit thinner than something like Maruchan or Top Ramen. The broth was fine – a nice chicken flavor with a little bit of zest to it. 3.5 out of 5.0 stars.

A Yum Yum commercial!

A news spot from 1993 on CBC about this crazy new thing people are into called the Internet!


Filed under * Stars 3.1-4.0, Chicken, Thailand, Yum Yum

#531: Yum Yum Oriental Style Instant Noodles Beef Flavour

Here’s some more from Michael V.N. of Holland! Thanks again! This one’s called Yum Yum – had my son choose whether I should have the chicken or the beef and he told me I should have the beef today and the chicken tomorrow. Sounds like a plan!

Two packets – flavored oil/paste and powder/veggies. Interesting that they didn’t do it up with three packets.

Lots of paste – nothing mentions spicy but I have a feeling it is. This one came from Holland but it is a product of Thailand.

Boiled an egg with the noodles. So I was right – it is spicy. Not overwhelming but very tasty. The noodles aren’t too shabby and the broth is tasty and somewhat beefy! The veggies are kind of different – crunchy little bits of greenery. I like it – 3.25 out of 5.0 stars!

Yum Yum TV commercial!

Kitteh sez Yum Yum Yum as it eats!


Filed under * Stars 3.1-4.0, Beef, Thailand, Yum Yum