Tag Archives: 906

Curry For Lunch

Here’s what I had for lunch (click to enlarge). Some Daddy Kari 365 Curry Flavour Instant Noodles (here’s the original review) that were sent by Jerry W. of Malaysia (thanks again!), sweet onion, thin sliced ribeye, a 2 egg omelet with a slice of processed cheese and some Tabasco Jalapeno sauce and a little bit of Dua Belibis chili sauce on top. Really tasty stuff! By the way – I started a new facebook page here. It’s in protest of the ridiculously large amount of election signs everywhere that look so nasty. Like the page if you agree!

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Filed under Daddy, Malaysia, Other

#907: Nongshim Neoguri Spicy Seafood Flavor Cup

Here’s something new – Neoguri Spicy in a cup! Kind of interesting; Neoguri usually has a wider Udon-like noodle and I don’t know that I’ve seen anything like that in a cup form before. Well, let’s have a look.

Here are the side panels (click to enlarge).

Close up of the lid with preparation instructions.

Sure enough, the noodles are much wider than what you’d find in a regular cup noodle..

Here’s the seasoning packet.

The spicy powder base.

Bits from the bottom of the cup. Looks like kamaboko and seaweed amongst other things of the sea.

A piece of thick seaweed.

Finished (click to enlarge). Added some onions, kamaboko, odeng kimchi, a slice of processed cheese and a little sprinkle of Urashima Sesame & Salt furikake. The noodles are great – they are nice and wide and very hearty. Must say I’ve never seen noodles like these in a cup – unique! The broth is nice – a deep and rich seafood taste and a nice trademark spiciness. The added bits of kamaboko and nori are festive and the big chunk of kelp is very nice too. I grew up in a small town on an island in northwest Washington state and always was close to the ocean – the kelp reminds me of that. All in all a good cup of noodles! 4.0 out of 5.0 stars.UPC bar code 031146017072 .

Here’s a Neoguri commercial for ya!

I challenge this guy, PSY, to a Shin cup eating competition! Oppan Gangnam Style, meet Spicy Ramyun Style!

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Filed under * Price $0.01 - $1.00, * Stars 3.1-4.0, Korea, Nong Shim, Seafood, USA

#906: Daddy Kari 365 Instant Noodles Curry Flavour

Here’s the stuff that Jerry W. sent from Sarawak, Malaysia! Thanks again! Ahhh curry – there are very few things I’ve found to be absolutely perfect and one of them is the flavor of curry. Curry’s up there with bacon, hot sauce and garlic! Let’s check out this unique curry noodle variety from Malaysia!

Here’s the back of the package (click to enlarge).

Big chunk of noodle block. The noodles are very thin.

Here’s the seasoning packet.

Upon opening the packet, I was greeted with that wonderful smell – curry. It was really nice! I tasted the powder – oh man! Good stuff!

Finished (click to enlarge). Added sweet onions, stir-fry veggies, a fried egg with Dua Belibis, some baked chicken with Lindberg-Snider Red Baron BBQ Spice, and a little Urashima Sesame & Salt furikake. The noodles are thin and very plentiful – really excellent and  very enjoyable to eat. The broth is absolutely perfect – hands-down! A nice color, very strong curry flavor with a little curry spicy heat to it. If you like curry, this is wonderful and you’ll love it! 5.0 out of 5.0 stars! Wow! UPC bar code 9556158184600 .

This looks really tasty!

The World Instant Noodle Summit!


Filed under * Stars 4.1-5.0, Daddy, Malaysia, Other