Tag Archives: anchovies

Reader Tip: Selecting & Using Fish Sauce With Your Ramen!

A reader named Don D. decided to share some wisdom about fish sauce. I’ve really never used it or known much about it. This was a really good read and I thought it deserved sharing with everyone!

An absolute necessity for any serious Rameneer is a bottle of NUOC MAM (Vietnamese) or NAM PLA (Thai) fish sauce, especially for any SE Asian dishes.  I’m not going to get into the details of the flavor other than to tell you its made of fermented anchovies (if you find that idea disgusting try to remember that fermented anchovies is one of the primary ingredients in Worscestershire Sauce).  What I’d like to do though, is give your acolytes a little info on what to look for and a couple of  brands to buy.

Like wine and olive oil, all Nuoc Mam (nook-mom) or Nam Pla (nom-plah) is not born equal, so to help you decide  which to buy, look for the following:

  1.   The ingredients should list only three items, anchovies, salt and water,  more indicates a lesser quality “diluted” product.
  2.   “Ni” or “Thuong Hang”, indicates  the sauce is a first run off the  fermenting vats, (similar to the meaning of “extra  virgin cold-pressed olive oil”). Later runs are  cheaper, diluted with water, and not so flavorful.
  3.   “Ca Com” refers to a specific species of anchovy which is considered the ultimate fish for the sauce.
  4.  The sauce should be a perfectly clear ” deep tea” color with no cloudiness or residue in the bottom of the glass, not plastic, bottle.

Here are three superior brands to look for:  PHU QUOC,  THREE CRABS,  DRAGONFLY and if you can’t find the first three, you can try the more commonly available, not-so-terribly-wonderful- but-still-perfectly-acceptable, TIPAROS.  There are plenty of other  good brands not mentioned here , so if you follow the guidelines above, you’re practically guaranteed a  a quality sauce.
To use it, simply give your finished ramen a couple of generous shakes, a swirl with your chopsticks and go for it, but beware….like Ramen, it’s highly addictive!

Right on – thanks for the info!


Filed under * News, Thailand, Vietnam

#328: Nong Shim Big Bowl Udon Japanese Style Noodle Soup

Ladies and gentlemen, the enormous Ramen Box has been opened and we begin. This one comes from Korea.

A single packet of powdered soup base.

Holy cow look at this one! There’s the big pile of seasoning powder in the middle, but look at all this other stuff! Wow, I’m thoroughly impressed – I wasn’t expecting to see this much stuff going on here. Neat little naruto slices, sliced fish stuff, and fried somethings. I would love to know what all these things are! Lots of veggies too – carrot and onion and more.

Bamm finished product. Mmm… The noodles are nice – chewy and thick… Was nice to find a lot of pieces of fish and veggies with every bite! This is a rarity in the instant noodle world I assure you. The broth had a very nice seafood taste and was very nice. I really was impressed with this one and give it 4.5 out of 5.0 stars! Get it here.


Filed under * Stars 4.1-5.0, Korea, Nong Shim, Seafood