Tag Archives: bits

#840: Chewy Stir Rice Vermicelli Singaporean Laksa Flavour

Here’s one that my sister brought me back from a trip to Canada earlier this year. So to recap, bought in Canada, Singaporean flavored, made in China – capiche?

Back of packaging.

An included fork!

The rice noodle whorl.

Liquid paste seasoning.

Looks interesting…


Very small bits of vegetables.

Finished. Added broccoli, red bell pepper, roast beef with some Dua Belibis chili sauce, hard boiled egg with Krazy Mixed Up Salt and some Kizami Shoga (pickled ginger). This rice noodles – kind of dry. The flavor is really nice though – a light and sweet coconut flavor permeates and ensconces. The little bits of veggies are a plus and add a nice herb layer tot the flavor. I liked this one – 3.75 out of 5.0 stars. UPC bar code 652283002839 .

Awesome old Chewy TV commercials!

The history of money – includes a lot of things about Hong Kong

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Filed under * Stars 3.1-4.0, Chewy, China, Hong Kong, Other, Singapore

#602: Nong Shim Oolongmen Cup Noodle Soup With Artificial Seafood Flavor

We went and got makings for Korean BBQ at the store yesterday and I found this unreviewed cup so I figured let’s do two cups today. Here we go!

Here’s the ingredient panel.

A single packet of dry seasonings.

Wow – little shrimps and lots of veggies! The powder has quite an…. unsettling aroma.

Voila – the finished product. This stuff… Hmmm.  The noodles are just fine – pretty decent for a cup. The broth has this kind of fake creaminess to it that’s a little different I must say. It’s almost super-infused with shrimp flavorings. The veggies and seafood bits are great – very abundant and flavorful. This is a superior seafood cup – 3.5 out of 5.0 stars.

Nope – only satire for this cup!~

I’m not a huge Pink Floyd fan, but I reallly like their old stuff – screw Dark Side of the Moon and that Wall crap. Piper At The Gates of Dawn is where it’s at!



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Filed under * Price $1.01 - $2.00, * Stars 3.1-4.0, Korea, Nong Shim, Seafood

#368: Knorr Chili Pork Flavour Cup Noodles

So here’s a weird looking one – something my sis brought me back from Canada. Chili Pork flavor sounds good in theory, but very curious how it’ll be in practice. Also, This is the first Knorr brand instant noodle I’ve reviewed; kind of surprising to be honest.

So I can’t exactly figure out where this comes from, so I’m going to play it safe and go with the labeling. It says its imported in Ontario, Canada., but upon a web search I found Thailand seemed the most logical of places.

Oil, powder seasoning and veggies / fake meat.

That seasoning oil can look a little nasty at times, can’t it?

So here’s the finished product. Not bad actually. There were a lot of chewy fake pork bits and pieces in there… Some veggies but not a lot. The broth was good and tasty – a good smack of chili flavor. The noodles were as expected – I mean it’s a cup of soup kind of thing so they were a little weaker than a package. Nice that they weren’t spongy. 3.5 out of 5.0 stars.

Is it me or are they chanting “pudding pudding pudding pudding pudding, pudding!”

Best baseball team period.

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Filed under * Stars 3.1-4.0, Canada, Knorr, Pork, Thailand

#277: Vina Acecook Oh Ricey Instant Phở bò Rice Noodles Soup Beef Flavour

Here’s the last of the Vina Acecook stuff I got from HT Oaktree Market a few weeks ago (sniff). Overall, I’ve been really really pleased with the Vina Acecook line and hope to sample more very soon! So here’s the beef Pho…

Clockwise from top – powder soup base, veggies, flavored oil.

Set it all on top of the noodle brick in the bowl, put 400cc of water in with it and cover for a few minutes. Actually, I’ve been using a record lately – a 12″ maxi single of Tower of Power’s “Lovin’ You Is Gonna See Me Thru” – part of the Columbia Disco Seroes… It even says demo – not for sale! But it serves well to cover my noodles.

Final product. So we’ll start with the broth. The broth is probably the most important thing here; it’s what Pho is really all about. I’m quite pleased with this broth actually – it has a slight sweet basil taste and some beef hints and is rather complex. It isn’t as good as the local Pho, but it’s not too shabby. The rice noodles are great – they’re separate and tasty. There are also little bits of fake beef! I love crap like that. So all in all, a really decent thing to be beheld. I give it 4.0 out of 5.0 stars! Get it here.


Filed under * Stars 3.1-4.0, Beef, Vietnam, Vina Acecook / Acecook

#257: Nissin Cup Noodles Beef Flavor

So here’s another good ol standby – beef cup noodles.

Very easy instructions…

No packets; everything’s in the cup. Fill it up to the line with hot water, let set for 3 minutes and…

Presto! This one was interesting in that it had little dehydrated bits of beef-like stuff. It was actually quite good – chewy like a beef thing. I’m giving it 3.5 out of 5.0 stars. Get it here.

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Filed under * Stars 3.1-4.0, Beef, Japan, Nissin, USA