Tag Archives: boeuf

#812: Master Kong/康师傅 Spicy Beef

Spicy beef! This was sent by Bo H. of China! Thanks again! These have all been a lot of fun and quite good! Let’s see how Master Kong’s Spicy Beef goes.

The back of the package. Looks like they grow big peppers in china.

The block broke but not too badly.

Powdered base.

A decent amount of powder – tasty!

Seasoned oil.

Has a beefish smell.

The veggie packet – more of an herb packet it looks like.

I think the red pieces are chillies. Not sure about the other bits.

Finished. I added some onions, broccoli and re bell pepper, a slice of processed cheese, a fried egg and some of that awesome Dua Belibis hot sauce. The noodles are good – they suck up a lot of liquid and are tasty to boot. The broth is nice too – had a spicy and sweet taste to it and the beef flavor is very good. I like this a lot – 3.75 out of 5.0 stars. UPC bar code 6903252061024 .

Yes! Awesome commercial!

This is awesome – these guys aren’t screwing around with these noodles!

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Filed under * Stars 3.1-4.0, Beef, China, Master Kong / Tingyi

#786: Mr. Noodles Beef Simulated Flavour Instant Noodles

Here’s another one of the Mr. Noodles variants from Canada. Thanks go to Mark K. and Erika L. for getting these to me! Beef. Okay let’s try it!

Here’s the back of the package.

The noodle block.

The flavoring packet!

A decent amount of flavoring!

Finished. Added some veggie, roast beef, kizami shoga (pickled ginger) and one almond. The noodles were a bit different this time – not all slimy which I am happy to report. Still, they’re pretty weak and sad. The broth was surprisingly bland yet again. I love that I’m able to review these even though they’re really lackluster. 3.0 out of 5.0 stars. UPC bar code 059491000358 .

This is pretty bizarre…

Hey this is awesome!

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Filed under * Stars 2.1-3.0, Beef, Canada, Mr. Noodles

#545: Golden Wheat Korean Style Spicy Beef Cooking Noodle

Here’s another one from Nathan up in Vancouver. First off, this one’s BIG. it calls for 700mL of water and to be cooked for 5-6 minutes! Aside from this stuff, there are some oddities I noticed that were kind of interesting.

Notice the similaritioes? Of course those who are fans of Shin Ramyun aren’t going to say ‘hey this is Shin Ramyun’ but it’s intersting to see the attempt to emulate here.

Three packets – powder, liquid and veggies.

But wait a minute – that logo looks a little familiar. The three packets are the same one that JML makes – look here. The JML brand ones were also sent by a Ramen Rater fan, Greg N. from Florida. Finally, JML is a Chinese company; so I’m just going to assume that this stuff was made in China, kind of looks like Shin Ramyun and is labeled for sale in Canada.

Yep – looks exactly the same as the JML spicy beefs too.

Well, there was a problem. This is a different bowl. 700mL of liquid, an enormous block of noodles and two eggs wouldn’t fit in the other bowl. The noodles came out quite nice – thicker gauge than normal stuff and a little chewy. Not bad. The broth is fiery hot – definitely the JML action working here. The veggie hid a bit but then they came out and ran amok. Nicely re-hydrated veggies. It’s pretty good stuff, although quite a large amount of it. 3.5 out of 5.0 stars.

“The Golden Wheat” a Soviet-era song

Yet another Golden Wheat song – nothing to do with the noodles, but interesting music.

Jamie Oliver clip of Chinese noodle shop.



Filed under * Stars 3.1-4.0, Beef, Canada, China, Golden Wheat, JML (Jinmailang Food Co. Ltd.)

#436: Unif Bowl Instant Noodles – Artificial Beef With Sauerkraut Flavor

Wow look at this one – all purple and yellow… Very different looking than anything I’ve seen yet. And the flavor – beef and sauerkraut? I wonder if it’s going to be any good? Well, let’s have at it!

So purple packet must be the sauerkraut, next to it would be the seasoned oil and below the powder seasoning. A fork! I did a mention of this one before in the special fork report so no need to do it again.

Would you look at that – kind of scary eh? Time to add boiling water and give ‘er a try…

So here we are. So first off, it’s spicy and I really did not expect that at all. Strong cabbage taste – that’s what sauerkraut is so logical… The broth is salty and kind of a beef taste but reminds me slightly of bad milk. The noodles aren’t bad but unimpressive. Hmmm. I’m still a little moved by the interestingness of these noodles. It’s a very very different flavor that’s for sure. Despite some weirdness, it’s strangely addicting and is getting 3.75 stars out of 5.0. It’s definitely worth checking out!



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Filed under * Stars 3.1-4.0, Beef, Taiwan, Unif

#414: Doll Instant Noodle Artificial Beef Flavour

So I’ve been quite a fan of Doll’s varieties – they’ve always proven to be quite nice. So here’s their beef variety.

One packet of dry seasoning.

Very deep color to this one – looks like cooked beef.

Tossed in a couple eggs. Wasn’t really expecting what I found with this one. The rpos – a nice amount of noodles which were nice and firm and tasty. The cons? Even with 500mL of water and two eggs, the broth was salty – overly salty. I’m not one who usually finds broth to be salty- but this one sure is.  Giving this one 2.5 out of 5.0 stars. Find it here.

Doll Noodles Commercial

Theatrical trailer for JJuzo Itzami’s “Tampopo” – find it and watch it!

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Filed under * Stars 2.1-3.0, Beef, Doll, Hong Kong