Tag Archives: boeuf

#406: Vifon Beef Flavor Mi Bo Asian Style Instant Noodles

So the other Vifon Asian Styleys have been great so far – so let’s see how this one fares. I like how their packaging for this line of products is nice and colorful.

Yeah – soup base and seasoned oil! Didn’t really have to tell you that, did I?

Some interesting looking stuff. A good amount of powder with some veg bits in it.

Added two fried eggs, a little garlic salt and some Amanfopong natural chili powder. The noodles were firm – just perfect and right! The broth was reasonably thick and tasty, and the veggies, although limited. Great stuff! 3.75 out of 5.0 stars! Find it here.

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Filed under * Stars 3.1-4.0, Beef, Vi Fon, Vietnam

#398: Paldo Bowl Noodle Soup Beef Flavor with Vegetable Instant Noodle Soup

So here’s perhaps the last or maybe next to last of the Paldo Bowl Noodle Soup line. These have been really good!

Gomtang?? GOMTANG?!?! WTF?!?!?! I reviewed a Paldo noodle a long long time ago called Gomtang – here is the review. In the review, I mention how it tastes beefy… Hmmm…

Very light seasoning – again looking identical in the Gomtang review. The veggies are abundant, however!

Two fried eggs were added. This stuff is excellent – no wonder the little artificial flavor cow is smiling! Noodles were like chicken noodle soup noodles which is funny as I don’t come across that often and the last review I did had this kind of noodle too. The broth was tasty – a little salty though, and the veggies were everywhere. Some good stuff. 3.75 out of 5.0 stars. Get it here.

Okay first off, the high holy noodle video…

Now, Bowl Noodle Hot by Pleaseeasaur

Now JP Incorporated with No Prob Limo – a new favorite

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Filed under * Stars 3.1-4.0, Beef, Korea, Paldo / Korea Yakult

381: Saigon Ve Wong Kung-Fu Artificial Beef Flavor Vietnam Flavor

So I’ve reviewed quite a few of these so had to look to make sure I hadn’t already! But nope not yet so here we go!

Three packets – powder soup, seasoned oil and veggies and TVP meat! TVP is textured vegetable protein. It’s some amazing stuff!

Done well, TVP can be really nice – you can see the funky bits in with the veggies.

Added two fried eggs and a little Tony Chachere’s Creole Seasoning. Shazam! Wow very tasty! The noodles were just right and the broth was a little spicy but also nice and hearty. The Veggies were everywhere and the TVP meat bits were the best I’ve ever had – chewy and almost fatty! I really am quite impressed with this one! 4.25 out of 5.0 stars!

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Filed under * Stars 4.1-5.0, Beef, Saigon Ve Wong, Ve Wong, Vietnam

#375: Vifon Pho Bo An Lien Vietnamese Style Instant Rice Noodle Beef Flavour

So here’s something new but kind of like a lot of other stuff…

Clockwise from top: powdered soup base, veggies and seasoned oil.

Sitting atop the noodles block. Looks like some broad noodles.

Okay so the noodles are kind of broad, yeah. The broth is quite greasy. The noodles are mushy. The veggies are there but not enough. It doesn’t taste like beef pho. 0.5 out of 5.0 stars. Bummer, Vifon! Find it here.


Filed under * Stars 0-1.0, Beef, Vi Fon, Vietnam

#329: Namchow Mee-Jang Artificial Beef Flavor Instant Noodles

Here’s another Namchow Mee-Jang variety, this time its artificial beef. So far, these have been pretty good.

Two packets – seasoned oil on the left and powder on the right. The yellow powder packet usually smells and tastes like curry…

Strangely enough, the powdered seasoning on the right tasted like masala; seemed funny for something beef flavored. The seasoning oil is on the left and both ride the block of noodles awaiting a hot bath and one fried egg.

Finished product, again with a fried egg. First though here is wow spicy! Didn’t expect that. The noodles are good and the broth is flavorful – sicy yet flavorful. Well rounded bowl of noodles – 3.5 out of 5.0. A bit more veggies would have been nice.

No Namchow commercial so here’s a different Thai commercial – pretty good one!

Some nice music.


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Filed under * Stars 3.1-4.0, Beef, Namchow, Thailand