Tag Archives: cayman

#812: Master Kong/康师傅 Spicy Beef

Spicy beef! This was sent by Bo H. of China! Thanks again! These have all been a lot of fun and quite good! Let’s see how Master Kong’s Spicy Beef goes.

The back of the package. Looks like they grow big peppers in china.

The block broke but not too badly.

Powdered base.

A decent amount of powder – tasty!

Seasoned oil.

Has a beefish smell.

The veggie packet – more of an herb packet it looks like.

I think the red pieces are chillies. Not sure about the other bits.

Finished. I added some onions, broccoli and re bell pepper, a slice of processed cheese, a fried egg and some of that awesome Dua Belibis hot sauce. The noodles are good – they suck up a lot of liquid and are tasty to boot. The broth is nice too – had a spicy and sweet taste to it and the beef flavor is very good. I like this a lot – 3.75 out of 5.0 stars. UPC bar code 6903252061024 .

Yes! Awesome commercial!

This is awesome – these guys aren’t screwing around with these noodles!

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Filed under * Stars 3.1-4.0, Beef, China, Master Kong / Tingyi

#803: Master Kong (康师傅) Premium Taste Roasted Beef Noodle

Here’s another one of the Master Kong variants sent to me by Bo H.! Thanks again! This one is the the first Master Kong large noodle bowl I’ve tried.

The side panels.

Includes a folding fork!

The powder seasoning packet.

This stuff has a very nice beef taste to it.

Liquid seasoning packet.

Thick and oily.

Veggies and bits.

Looks like a lot of veggies and some dried beef perhaps.

Finished. Added a slice of cheese and some kizami shoga (pickled ginger). The noodles aren’t the best in the world but they’re not bad – could have slightly more backbone. The broth is great – very beefy and tasty! The veggies and bits are wonderful – excellent veggies and the bits must be beef – if they’re not, they’re the most convincing pieces of TVP I’ve ever had. Darn good bowl of noodles! 4.0 out of 5.0 stars! UPC bar code 6903252714036 .

This has to be one of the best noodle commercials I’ve ever seen. Ever.

I’m really curious what they’re talking about here – what do Teletubbies, the Master Kong mascot, alpacas and the police have to do with one another?

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Filed under * Stars 3.1-4.0, Beef, China, Master Kong / Tingyi

Awesome Donation From China

Bo H., who lives abroad in China decided he’d send some nice Chinese varieties! He warned that it might take a long time – they were shipped May 8th and arrive today, June 27th!

Oh wow what’s in here?

Wow – they did REALLY well despite travelling for a month and a half in the mail! Most are Master Kong, one is Unif and one I’m not sure. Hoping these can get translated – I want to make sure they’re prepared correctly and to know what they are! Thank you very much, Bo! Some Ramen Ramter stickers will be on their way to you soon!


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Filed under * News, China, Master Kong / Tingyi, Unif