Tag Archives: dehydrated

#416: Sapporo Ichiban Chicken Flavor With Natural & Artificial Flavors Oriental Noodle Soup (Cup)

A couple things to start out with here as this picture is somewhat ridiculous. So they’re adding water to the cup. The water is up to the line already and not only that,  the contents appear to already be done cooking; the veggies are clearly re-hydrated.  Kind of weird I thought.

Look closely at the ingredients – something is in this one that usually isn’t present…

A single packet of seasoning. Common to the cups you’d see from Korea, not so much from a domestic.

A very nice looking amount of assorted vegetables ready for the pain of scalding hot boiling water.

Finished product, unadulterated. So this one’s getting some good points. Why? Well first off, it looks like the above picture. Secondly, it contains chicken. This is a bit of a rarity to be honest and I really like that. The chicken wasn’t bad either. Third, lots of vegetables. The noodles weren’t crummy either. The only thing here was the saltiness – way overpowering. A little less and it would’ve been just right. I’m still quite impressed with this product though and giving it a 3.75 out of 5.0 stars. Get it here.

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Filed under * Stars 3.1-4.0, Chicken, Japan, Sanyo Foods, Sapporo Ichiban, USA

#362: Vina Acecook Daily Instant Noodles Mi Canh Chua Hot & Sour With Shrimp

So here’s another of Vina Acecook’s line of ‘Daily’ instant noodles, hot & sour with shrimp. Sounds good to me; the picture on the front is definitely enticing…

Four packets – that’s always nice. Here we have [clockwise from top left] soup paste, powdered soup base, seasoned oil and veggies as well as dehydrated shrimp.

Clockwise from top: veggies ‘n shrimp, seasoned oil, soup powder, liquid soup paste.

So I added a couple of fried eggs, some fried shallot, a little kizami shoga (ginger you’d find in yakisoba) and a little pepper on the eggs. This is one of the better bowls of noodles I’ve had in quite some time. I become quite fond of how Vina Acecook blends its veggies – there’s always some nice sweet basil in there and it really comes through in the flavor of the broth. The noodles were pre-seasoned and so the sesame oil-esque flavor is easily detected in this soup. The noodles themselves are light and plentiful – not chewy but not spongy. The vegetables really boost on re-hydration which is nice. There was a little hot and a little sour; kind of like Tom Yum soup but much lighter. The eggs and other flavors on top made it absolutely perfect. 4.5 out of 5.0 stars for this one! Find it here.

I like how colorful the Vina Acecook commercials are.

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Filed under * Stars 4.1-5.0, Seafood, Vietnam, Vina Acecook / Acecook

Not Noodles

So when I’m not eating instant noodles, I eat other things. Here’s one of them. A can of Progresso Light Chicken Noodles soup with some dehydrated onion and a spoonful of Mae Ploy yellow curry and a few dozen grains of rice in there. Pretty awesome stuff.

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