Tag Archives: dong

#853: Dongwon RaUdong Unfried Noodle With Kimchi

Haven’t had a fresh noodle bowl in a while and thought this would be a good day to try one out. This is one my sister brought me back from a trip to Canada earlier this year – thank you! Kimchi flavor! Let’s give it a try.

Here’s the distributor sticker.

Side panels – click to enlarge.

The fresh noodle package.

Liquid base.

A dark, thin liquid.

Vegetable flake.

Nice looking mixture.

A seasoning cake!

I love these things – they suck up the liquid and become an awesome addition! This one’s freeze dried kimchi.

Finished. Added a little more kimchi and some of these seasoned spicy fresh cucumbers from H Mart. The noodles are what you’d expect from a fresh noodle bowl – chewy and wide. The broth was very nice – has a good balance of heat and flavor. The re-hydrated kimchi was everywhere and very nice as was the vegetable flake. Premium stuff! 4.5 out of 5.0 stars – this was classy and quite good. UPC bar code 883298618917 .

A Dongwon TV commercial – wish I could find one for this product!

This commercial makes my wife laugh a lot!


Filed under * Stars 4.1-5.0, Dongwon, Korea, Other, Vegetable

#292: Paldo Korean Noodle U-Dong Flavor Noodles

Some more of these Paldo noodles. Let’s see how they taste and especially what I’m curious about – if these are thicker noodles.

Nice looking packets – nice to see lots of veggies and things going on.

Red powder and nice looking veggies!

Two fried eggs and here we go. So not exactly as I imagined – which isn’t a complaint. The noodles are a little bigger than your average and much chewier. I like them. The broth is hot and spicy and tastes good, and the veggies are awesome. Altogether quite good! 3.75 out of 5.0 stars! Get it here.

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Filed under * Stars 3.1-4.0, Korea, Other, Paldo / Korea Yakult

#150: Chorip Dong Jjampong Hot & Spicy Seafood Udon Japanese Style Noodle Soup

Wow okay so for the 150th review here on ramenrater.com I thought I’d go for something really different. This is a big ass bowl noodle with fresh noodles! Should be interesting!

8.67 ounces. Jeez that’s a lot more than is realistically needed.

Three packets: noodles (it would’ve been horrible if they hadn’t labeled it because I would have never figured that out), soup base (the dark packet) and the veggies in the silver packet. It felt like a little brick was inside there…

When I opened the soup base I almost got whiplash – the fish odor was intense. The directions said to put it and the noodles in the bowl and fill up to the line with hot water and then microwave for 3 minutes. I did so and stirred and was greeted by these enormous noodles swimming in a deep red broth. The next step was to add the vegetables. So that little silver packet did have a strange little cubelike thing in it! I dropped it in the soup and watched it dissolve and then gave it all a final stir…

Here’s what you get. Wow – was not at all what I expected. It’s actually pretty good. The noodles are huge – nothing in the western diet really compares to Udon noodles. If you leave some spaghetti noodles in a bath of water overnight they still won’t swell up to the thickness of Udon and won’t be a chewy and nice. These were “fresh” as they call them, so they’re a mark above a noodle block you’d find in other instant packs or bowls. The broth is thick and rich; it is truly hot and spicy. It also has a definite seafood flavor – not sure what kind of seafood, but it’s in the ‘of the sea’ category for sure. Finally, the vegetables were a big surprise. I’ve never seen veggies supplied in this way – they’re always loose except for one instance. This little cake or sponge of veggies was a lot of fun and worked great and re-hydrated with a couple stirs. Overall, this has been quite the adventure for the palate as well as  a lot of fun to make. I’m giving this bowl a 4.25 out of 5.0 stars. Very unique and flavorful.

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Filed under * Stars 4.1-5.0, ChoripDong, Korea, Seafood