Tag Archives: dry

#944: Wai Wai Brand Oriental Style Instant Noodles (Dry Version)

I reviewed this one years back – in the first 50 reviews. Back then I reviewed it as a soup. Recently, it was brought to my attention that these could be made in a different way – drained. Sure enough, on the back of the package are instructions on how to make them this way. I have deemed this worthy of a new review! Here we go.

Here’s the back of the package (click image to enlarge).

Here’s the noodle block in all of its pre seasoned glory.

Here’s the dry seasonings. Top, we have chili powder and below the dry seasoning mixture.

Here’s the seasoning mixture topped with the chili powder.

The oil packet.

This one has a strong onion scent – very nice.

Finished (click image to enlarge). Added a couple fried eggs and some turkey with some Urashima Sesame & Salt furikake and Huy Fong Sriracha chili sauce and stir fry veggies. The noodles are pretty good – chewy and plentiful. The flavoring is very strong – hot, salty and full of flavor. 3.0 out of 5.0 stars. UPC bar code 8850100101105 – get it here.

A really odd Wai Wai commercial.

Another strange Wai Wai ad!

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Filed under * Price $0.01 - $1.00, * Stars 2.1-3.0, Other, Thailand, Wai Wai

#832: Dragonfly Mee-Goreng Dry Ramen Noodles

Found this the other day at KS Mart in Lynnwood (that’s where I git my kimchi!). This is from China – never had a Chinese made mee-goreng before! Usually I like the Dragonfly stuff though. Let’s give this a go!

Back of the package.

This is a big noodle block for mee-goreng! Rad!

The dry seasonings.

Kind of a sweet and garlic-onion taste.

Liquid packet.

Looks like seasoned oil and maybe some sweet soy sauce in there.

Finished. Added some veggies, some roast beef I sauteed with garlic, a fried egg with some Krazy Mixed Up Salt and some Dua Belibis hot chili sauce. The noodles are thin and very springy. The flsavor is interesting – not like Indomie Mie Goreng – it’s got a strong anise taste and is kind of sweet, but has no spiciness at all. Interesting stuff – a lot of it, too. 3.75 out of 5.0 stars. UPC bar code 721557450253 .

Shanghai in 1973 – this is awesome!

Stevie Winwood – Shanghai Noodle Factory

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Filed under * Stars 3.1-4.0, China, Dragonfly Brand, Other, Pork

#784: Hankow “Cai Lin Ji” Dry Noodles

Here’s another one my sister brought me from Canasda. I’ve been very curious about what’s going on with this one for a while. Today seemed like the right day for it. I used the UPC code to find the website for this company and found this little snippet about the product:

Characteristics of “Cai Lin Ji” dry noodles is different from both the cold noodles, but also different from the noodles, noodles prior cooked, cold water and process the oil, then topped with sesame, sesame oil, vinegar, chili oil and spices made sauce when eating noodles and smooth chewiness, fragrant and delicious sauces, people appetite.
The early 1930s, Hankou Long Beach street food stall named Li package in the temple area
By selling jelly and noodles for a living. One day, the weather is unusually hot, and many left the surface is not sold, he was afraid the noodles sour deterioration, put leftover noodles cooked drain, dry down the board. Accidentally knocked over the case on the oiler, sesame oil is poured on the noodles. Li package seeing no alternative but to mix the noodles in oil re-hanging put. The next morning, Lee package will be mixed with oil and cooked noodles in boiling water for a little hot, remove and drain into the bowl, then add the spices to sell jelly, which makes steaming, scented. People are eager to buy, eat with relish. Someone asked what he was selling face, he blurted out, said to be “dry noodles”. Since then, he was the monopoly of this surface, not only the people competing taste, there are a lot of people to study with a teacher.
Several years later, the bit surnamed Cai in full spring intersection of Zhongshan Road, opened a dry noodles noodle shop, take the meaning of the rich resources, called “Cai Lin in mind, operating dry noodles in Wuhan City Shoppes. Later moved to Zhongshan Road on the Hankow towers opposite, renamed Wuhan dry noodles.
After 50 years of time in the 1980s, dry noodles incoming Xinyang City, Henan Province, and in accordance with the Xinyang diet features from each other to improve, and the vigorous development in Xinyang. Become the the Xinyang most like to eat early, long-term stable early first position to the present. It can be said dry noodles origin in Wuhan, but the long and vigorously in Xinyang.

Here’s the detail from the sticker on the lid.

I’ve been wondering for some time now: why do most included eating implements that come with instant noodles usually take the form of a fork when so many come from countries where chopsticks are primarily used? Well, here are some included chopsticks – a first for The Ramen Rater to see!

A leaflet with the cooking directions.

The noodle block – looks interesting…

Veggies on the left and not sure on the right.

Maybe a chili oil on the left and a liquid soup base on the right? Hmm…

Finished. Not oner iota of what I expected. I expected some extremely strong flavors and a lot of heat and salt. This couldn’t be farther from the end result. The noodles are pretty good – kind of spaghetti gauged. The sauce that adorns them is really fascinating: kind of a peanut butter and chili oil combo. The peanut butter definitely makes one’s mouth dry, which is why I would tend to call them dry personally. They were a little bland too, but the subtle flavor was kind of nice. 3.25 out of 5.0 stars. UPC bar code 6925052120749 .

Noodle making

Neat CCTV documentary about food in China.


Filed under * Stars 3.1-4.0, China, Hankow, Other

#612: Maruchan Yakisoba Spicy Chicken Flavor Homestyle Japanese Noodles

Here’s one that we got at a northern Oregon Chevron of all places. Man, I’m still jonesin’ to try the Beef Taco and Jalapeno Cheedar flavors!!!

Here’s the back of the packaging…

Packet one: the vegetables!

See, you put em in like this under the noods and then shake it from side to side a little.

After you add a cup of water and microwave for 4 minutes and letting it all sit for a minute, you get this packet out of your packet holster.

You dump it atop the noodles and stir like crazy. Kinda funky looking there.

Okay so we have a two egger with a bunch of Tabasco Buffalo Style hot sauce and some fried shallots and Krazy Mixed Up Salt inside. The noodles are dry and sticky. Added just a hint over a cup of water too so I don’t know what the issue was. The flavor is salty and spicy and rather artificial. The real star here are the veggies – there’s a ton of them! The problem is that it started out somewhat good but as it cooled it got stickier and stickier to the point of being a blob of noodles. I didn’t like it at all. 1.75 out of 5.0 stars.. Find it here.

Rad groove…

Kubrick – …and they clamped like lidlocks on mine eyes!




Filed under * Price $1.01 - $2.00, * Stars 1.1-2.0, Chicken, Japan, Maruchan, USA

#550: Nissin Taisho Fried Noodle Yakisoba Flavor Instant Noodle ( Hong Kong )

Here’s another one from Nathan in Canada! Some nissin I’ve not seen before! That’s one of my favorite things – and Nissin makes a good yakisoba – I really liked that one on the top ten – the one with the mayonnaise. So let’s delve into this one.

A single packet – pretty good size too.

Had a hard time figuring out what this was called – until I looked at the back.

This noodle block asked me to take its picture. The obverse side is perfectly flat. The noodles are nicely woven together.

Here’s the mound of seasoning. This one asks you to cook the noodles for 3 minutes, drain and stir it together with the seasoning.

Finito! The noodles were great – a little chewy and tasted very much like the yakisoba I’ve had that Nissin makes before, except there’s nothing with it – no veggies, a little dry… But tastes awesome. Very good stuff – 4.25 out of 5.0 stars.


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Filed under * Stars 4.1-5.0, Hong Kong, Japan, Nissin, Other