Tag Archives: filipino

Re-Review: Payless Xtra Big Pancit Canton Original

Oh man I thought this was a new one! I reviewed this at #93! Here’s something from the Philippines! Been awhile since a review from there. Pancit Canton reminds me a lot of Indonesia’s Mi Goreng; the noodles are drained and then stirred with the dry and wet ingredients and served. Let’s try this one out!

The back of the package.

The noodle block – big for Pancit Canton instant, but then again this is XTRA BIG!

Powder seasoning.

Lots of it.

Soy sauce and oil.

I like how the soy and oil’s syrface tensions make things look.

Finished. Added some veggies, a couple scrambled eggs with Cavender’s Greek Seasoning, some roast beef and some Dua Belibis chili sauce. This stuff is excellent! The noodles are chewy and the flavoring coasts nice and has a sweet and salty taste. Not really spicy as Mi Goreng usually is. If you want to like Mi Goreng but can’t handle the heat, this would be an excellent alternative! 4.5 out of 5.0 stars – still amazingly good since review #93! UPC bar code 4800016555992 .

How to make pancit canton

The music for a big dance thing.

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Filed under * Price $0.01 - $1.00, * Stars 4.1-5.0, Other, Payless, Philippines

#744: Payless Instant Mami Beef Flavor

I was digging in the bottom of the noodle hamper and pulled this one out – pretty old and needs ingested ASAP! It’s one my sister picked up for me in Canada last year. Very small pack too! Let’s give it a try.

Looks like a lot of liquid for such a small packet – perhaps I ought to add the recommended additions.

A portion of the noodle block.

One shiny silver packet.

The powder soup base.

Finished. I added an egg, some of my veggie mix and some corned beef lunch meat. So the noodles are a slight bit mushy but of a slightly wider gauge than most. The broth has a nice beef flavor – and there’s a ton of broth. This is definitely a soup affair. Not bad, not amazing or something to write home about. 3.25 out of 5.0 stars. UPC bar code 4800016738678 .

A Payless commercial.

Filipino Top 20

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Filed under * Stars 3.1-4.0, Beef, Payless, Philippines

#660: Lucky Me! Beef na Beef Instant Noodles Artificial Beef Flavor

Beef? Na – beef! I remember a while back I had Chicken na Chicken too – startlingly, it was chicken flavored. Beef sounds nice. Let’s give ‘er a shot…

The back of the pack…

The noodle block is on the small side.

Powder on the left and the ‘garnish’ on the right.

Ready to turn into tasty beef noodle soup!

Voila! I put a little baby bok choy, one fried egg, and a couple sprinkles of Tony Chachere’s Creole seasoning in with the noodle soup. The noodles were nice – they drank up a lot of the soup as they were a small block in two cups of water, but they never got spongy or over engorged. The broth was a star here – salty and with a nice beef marrow-like taste. The garnish? A little weird; the little floaty flavored chewy spheres are always fascinating to me in Filipino instant noodles. It was a decent bowl of soup – really hit the spot. 3.75 out of 5.0 stars. UPC barcode 4807770190988 . I think this is the same thing.

Here’s a TV commercial for it.

This is really interesting to listen to


Filed under * Price $0.01 - $1.00, * Stars 3.1-4.0, Beef, Lucky Me!, Philippines

#599: Lucky Me! Pancit Canton (Chow Mein) Extra Hot Chili Flavor

Pancit Canton! Ahhh this stuff is so good! It’s a lot like Indomie’s Mi Goreng but a little sweeter. Anyways, Let’s give their extra hot chili flavor a try!

Here’s the back panel of the packaging. Note that Lucky Me! is a subsidiary of Nissin.

On the left we have a double packet of seasoned oil and a liquid sauce of some type.

Here are the noodles before the boil. This is a very small block – the package is only 2.12 ounces – on the small side.

The oil, powder and liquid come together like an artist’s palette of earthy tones.

Finished. Runny yolk fried eggs on top with a little Tony Chachere’s Creole seasoning, black pepper and fried shallot garnish. So there was some heat here – not too strong as it was offset by a little sweetness. The noodles were good – slightly chewy and a little sticky. A good quick snack unless you add the eggs to bring it up to meal mode. Very good! 4.0 out of 5.0 stars! They have the hot chili and lime one here.

Pretty good commercial.

Open wide, America! Signs of things to come..


Filed under * Price $0.01 - $1.00, * Stars 3.1-4.0, Lucky Me!, Other, Philippines

#547: Lucky Me! Instant Pancit Canton (Chow Mein) Sweet & Spicy Flavor

Hey! Haven’t tried this yet! Pancit Canton is a lot like Indomie’s Mi Goreng – that’s one of my favorites!

So we have a powder shiny packet on the left and a combo packet with oil and soy sauce on the right. I like how they tell you not to worry – it the powder’s clump the soy sauce will break it up. If the soy sauce is crystally, a little liquid will break up the salt crystals. See, this stuff comes from the Philippines where they get some serious humidity and heat. I see lots of products from there that are packaged in some pretty fancy ways to keep food the way it needs to be.

Looks like ya stepped on a slug huh? Trust me, it’s seriously excellent stuff!

Voila – topped with a pair of fried eggs, a little fried shallot and some pickled ginger. The noodles are drained and then you stir them with the stuff in the last photo till everything’s all combined. This is it, Ramen Rater fans – this is the holy mountain of the instant noodles world, the pinnacle of perfection. I love it – the noodles are chewy, and they’re hot AND sweet. The trick is to keep the egg yolks a little runny and everything combines nicely. 5.0 out of 5.0 stars. A truly awesome meal. Get the noodles and the condiments here.

A commercial for thi stuff.



Filed under * Price $0.01 - $1.00, * Stars 4.1-5.0, Lucky Me!, Other, Philippines