Tag Archives: flavored

Re-Review: Sapporo Ichiban Japanese Style Noodles & Original Flavored Soup

We went to Walmart on Black Friday! Well, let me explain – it was at 6pm or so, so the amount of crazy people was lower. It seems though that the Walmart we always go to has a surplus of crazy people usually. I imagine the early morning Black Friday folks would’ve been a scary lot. One thing I noticed was that they hadn’t bought all of the noodles, so I thought I’d get a couple to re-review. Here’s one of them last time I tried it, it was revirew #207. Hoping some new things to review come soon – only have one in the hamper that’s needing review… Re-reviews are fun though since they’re not been visited in so long.

Here’s the back of the package (click image to enlarge).

The noodle block. Decently sized with a little more weight than I usually find in domestic packs. The noodles when sampled uncooked are a little different too – pretty good.

The lone seasoning packet.

The seasoning powder. Kind of has a soy flavor to it; I would think this one’s a soy sauce noodle perhaps?

Finished (click image to enlarge). Added stir fry veggies, hard boiled egg with Cavender’s Greek Seasoning, Thanksgiving turkey (the very last bits of it) and some Urashima Sesame & Salt furikake. The noodles are good – large amoung and decent gauge. The broth is good too – strong soy and salt flavor. Good stuff! 3.5 out of 5.0 stars! UPC bar code 076186000011 – get it here!

Some older Sapporo Ichiban commercials

Looks like Sapporo Ichiban Shio Ramen has been around for a while – glad they finally brought it to the US!

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Filed under * Stars 3.1-4.0, Japan, Other, Sapporo Ichiban, USA

#928: Kamfen Dried-Mix Noodles Artificial Spicy Pork Flavored

Here’s one I got the other day at 99 Ranch Market. Was hoping they had a few more varieties, but they had two – two closer to the #1000th review! I’m not going to stop, just can’t wait to hit it! I think this one would win the prize for interesting use of upper and lower case characters.

Here’s a scan of the bottom (click to enlarge).

Here are the export stickers (click to enlarge).

Here are the instructions on how to make this (click to enlarge). Going to add the mustard stem at the end as they’re not dehydrated.

An included fork!

The noodles look interesting enough.

Sauce eh?

A paste.

Hey – its mustard stem!

Yeah these don’t look dehydrated – I think I’ll add them at the end.

Finished (click to enlarge). Added some sweet onions, Urashima Sesame & Salt furikake, ham and Krazy Mixed Up Salt. The noodles are kind of like slightly underdone egg noodles, but I don’t think they are at all. Plus, they’re really good – broad and thin. The flavor is quite nice – a little spicy and a nice Chinese pork flavor. The mustard stem goes with it quite well. I like this stuff – 4.0 out of 5.0 stars.UPC bar code 6920363402218 .

An old Sesame Street clip about how Chinese noodles are made.

I couldn’t find anything but thisw video about a really off pot/wok/frying pan.

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Filed under * Price $1.01 - $2.00, * Stars 3.1-4.0, China, Kamfen, Pork

#804: Little Cook Instant Noodle Abalone Chicken Soup Flavour

Here’s one that Michelle L. of New York sent a while back. Looks like it should be good!

Info from side panels.

Here’s the noodle block.

Dry seasoning.

Interesting – looks like more veggies than powder.

Liquid seasoning.

It’s more of a paste.

Finished. Added a couple of scrambled eggs with onions and Sriracha and some oven baked chicken with Cavender’s Greek seasoning. The noodles are a little crumbly and kind of meh. The broth has a strong flavor and a bit of funkiness to it. The veggies were somewhat okay but not great. 1.75 out of 5.0 stars. UPC bar code 8852098702142 .

This is awesome – The Son Of P.M. – Thai Psychedelic Pop, Surfer Punk – Arabian Song

Here’s a video from Thailand

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Filed under * Price $0.01 - $1.00, * Stars 1.1-2.0, Chicken, Little Cook, Namchow, Seafood, Thailand

#446: Sau Tao Wonton Soup Flavored Hong Kong Style Instant Noodle King

Once again, here we go – back from vacation and back to instant noodle reviewing! First we have some Sau Taobrand Wonton flavored noodles. Always seems to be in a cup… They’re going to be extremely good I hope.

Clockwise starting with the fork, oil, soup base [dry] and finally vegetables.

I remeber seeing noodles that looked like these in another Sau Tao cup – they had the consistency of shredded asiago cheese or parmesan shreds. Was a trip!

So here’s the final product. Well, again we have the Asiago / Parmesan shredded cheese consistency noodles. Broth is a little funky – greasy and the flavor is weak. Some veggies but not a ton. Not really all that happy about this one. 2.25 out of 5.0 stars. Get it here.

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Filed under * Stars 2.1-3.0, China, Hong Kong, Sau Tao, Seafood, Sun Shun Fuk