Tag Archives: hong

Re-Review: Nissin Demae Ramen Black Garlic Oil Tonkortsu Flavour Instant Noodle

Since I don’t have a huge amount of noodles that haven’t been reviewed yet (around 8 at the moment and I could go through those in four or five says possibly), I’ve decided I should hit the overstock box and see what’s in there. My wife Kit got me a five pack of these for my birthday back in March and so I figure I should eat ’em up! Here’s the original review – look there for the original pics I did of the packaging, packets, etcetera.

Finished (click image to enlarge). I added thin-sliced rib eye, an egg, green onion, Urashima Sesame & Salt furikake and kizami shoga (pickled ginger). The noodles are nicely done – just what you expect from Demae Ramen. The broth was excellent – not too salty and had a rich, deep flavor. I stand by my 4.5/5.0 star rating from before – great stuff! UPC bar code 4897878830015.

The Hong Kong commercial for this stuff!

Kyary Pamyu Pamyu.

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Filed under * Stars 4.1-5.0, Hong Kong, Japan, Nissin, Pork, Seafood

#770: Kailo Brand Chicken Flavour Instant Noodle

Here’s another one that was sent to me by Carter B. – he bought it in Mali but it originally comes from Hong Kong. Chicken time!

The instructions remind me of the ones on the back of the Fuku packs – 3 ways of eating. I like the ‘snack for all time’ reference.

The noodle block – very tight and thin noodles.

Seasoning powder.

Mmm – chickenny!

Seasoned oil.

Pretty thin looking stuff.

Finished. Added a couple of fried eggs, some veggies, some Krazy Mixed Salt, Ajishima Kimchi Furikake and a couple dashes of Tabasco Jalapeno hot sauce. The noodles are pretty good – a little less firm than I’d like. The broth has a ‘real chicken broth’ taste which doesn’t seem completely real. Not too bad though – 3.5 out of 5.0 starsUPC bar code 3379140106987 .

Places in Hong Kong where ‘Enter The Dragon’ was filmed – really cool!

News clip about Mali


Filed under * Stars 3.1-4.0, Chicken, Hong Kong, Kailo Brand

#702: Meet The Manufacturer – Nissin Demae Ramen Black Garlic Oil Tonkotsu Flavour Instant Noodle

My lovely wife got me this for my birthday! Ooh black garlic oil tonkotsu? I can’t wait to try this! Sounds awesome!

Note the instructions and ingredients.

This is the noodle block – in great condition despite shipping from Hong Kong!

Powder seasoning.

Note the little flecks in the powder.

Here’s the star of the show – black garlic oil!

This gets added at the very end.

Finished! I added a smattering of Bird’s Eye Stir-fry veggies, a little kamaboko, a little narutomaki, an egg that I boiled with the noodles, a little Ajishima Kim Chi furikake and a little bit of the Sushinori (seaweed). So if you look at the lower edge of the broth, you can see the black oil! Pretty cool looking. First, the noodles are very good – very much like the noodles Nissin makes for Top Ramen but just a little firmer I think. The broth is sensational – salty and has a nice depth to it – the garlic oil is very nice! This was a very good one – hard to get in the US but worth it if you can. 4.5 out of 5.0 stars!  UPC barcode 4897878830015

The Hong Kong commercial for this stuff!

The latest of the Kyary Pamlu Pamlu videos. If you know of other Japanese Pop (JPOP) or any other Asian videos that are a trip like this, please email me – I’d like to share more of them!

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Filed under * Meet The Manufacturer, * Stars 4.1-5.0, Hong Kong, Japan, Nissin, Pork

#688: Ohsung Hot & Spicy Hong Ramyun Noodle Soup With Soy Peptide

This is one that came from the nice folks at Ramen Place! Thanks again! Hot and spicy? Soy peptide? Korean? Yeah this should be awesome stuff!

If you click and look at the little pictures top right, they mention some great things to add like cheese, fish cake and veggies!

Here’s the noodle block. Nice color and very angular!

The tell-tale red packet means spicy heat is nigh!

The powder seasoning is all business – I tasted it and my tongue was alight with heat.

The veggie packet.

Veggie packet contents.

Finished! I decided to go with the mentions of additions on the back. I added some C&W frozen stir-fry vegetables, an egg that I boiled in with it, some kamaboko, a pinch or two of cheese, a dash of Texas Pete Garlic hot sauce and a dash of Jane’s Krazy Mixed Up Salt. The noodles are good – lots of them and they suck up the flavors nicely. A little chewy but not overly so. The broth is crazy hot – almost too hot for me but I persevere! The veggies are nice – they re-hydrated well and were reasonably abundant. This is a great example of a spicy Korean ramyun. Good show! 3.75 out of 5.0 stars. UPC barcode 846034000407 – you can get it here.

This appears to be an energy or ‘concentration’ drink with soy peptide

I’ve ridden on that monorail track a zillion times in Seattle!

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Filed under * Stars 3.1-4.0, Korea, Ohsung, Other

#428: Kamfen E-Men Noodles Artificial Chicken Soup Flavor

So this is something different – E-Men noodles. The ingredients say they’re mad of wheat flour and soybean oil…

Comes with only one packet. This is one large noodle block though and won’t fit in a normal pot. You’ll need something a little bigger to accommodate this thing…

Here’s the soup base.

Here’s the final product. The directions on the back were a little off… They said to add the noodles to the water, but neglected to mention how much of ‘the water’ you need. At the end it said the noodles are ready to be served, but not sure if that’s with broth or not. So I winged it. I added a little boiling water and pulled out the noodles and stirred in the bowl. Some tasty stuff! Thick noodles. The chicken flavor is good. Wide and heavy are the noodles. I’m going with a 3.75 out of 5.0. The noodles were pretty good and the soup tasted chickenny.

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Filed under * Stars 3.1-4.0, Chicken, China, Kamfen