Tag Archives: hong kong

Re-Review: Nissin Demae Ramen 出前一丁 Artificial Chicken Flavor (Hong Kong)

My son Andy, my wife Kit and I walked to the local 99 Ranch Market on Friday. He decided he needed more kamaboko and wanted to pick out some ramen himself to try. Here’s one he picked (he likes all things chicken flavored) and will get to try today. He’s letting me have a bite and a slurp of broth for making it for him.

Here’s the back of the package. Note that it mentioned adding the soup base and seasoning oil although I found no seasoning oil packet. I thought I’d look at the original review I did way back – ne’ery an oil packet there either(click to enlarge).

The noodle block – good size and weight to it. This would one I would consider a hefty brick.

The seasoning powder.

The soup base in all its glory.

Andy is a big fan of this stuff – he even wanted veggies! Not bad. Read his blog, Andy’s LEGO Stuff, here!

Finished. Andy requested some of the frozen stir-fry veggies and some of the kamaboko. Decent noodles – a little thinner and firmer than Top Ramen. The broth is a little stronger too – I would call it a slightly less Americanized flavor. Good stuff – Andy loved it! 3.5 out of 5.0 stars. UPC bar code 4897878000036 – get it here.

Curry or shoyu? Curry – hands down! The Nissin Curry Demae Ramen is out of this world delicious.

This is a great one.

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Filed under * Stars 3.1-4.0, Chicken, Hong Kong, Japan, Nissin

#840: Chewy Stir Rice Vermicelli Singaporean Laksa Flavour

Here’s one that my sister brought me back from a trip to Canada earlier this year. So to recap, bought in Canada, Singaporean flavored, made in China – capiche?

Back of packaging.

An included fork!

The rice noodle whorl.

Liquid paste seasoning.

Looks interesting…


Very small bits of vegetables.

Finished. Added broccoli, red bell pepper, roast beef with some Dua Belibis chili sauce, hard boiled egg with Krazy Mixed Up Salt and some Kizami Shoga (pickled ginger). This rice noodles – kind of dry. The flavor is really nice though – a light and sweet coconut flavor permeates and ensconces. The little bits of veggies are a plus and add a nice herb layer tot the flavor. I liked this one – 3.75 out of 5.0 stars. UPC bar code 652283002839 .

Awesome old Chewy TV commercials!

The history of money – includes a lot of things about Hong Kong

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Filed under * Stars 3.1-4.0, Chewy, China, Hong Kong, Other, Singapore

#770: Kailo Brand Chicken Flavour Instant Noodle

Here’s another one that was sent to me by Carter B. – he bought it in Mali but it originally comes from Hong Kong. Chicken time!

The instructions remind me of the ones on the back of the Fuku packs – 3 ways of eating. I like the ‘snack for all time’ reference.

The noodle block – very tight and thin noodles.

Seasoning powder.

Mmm – chickenny!

Seasoned oil.

Pretty thin looking stuff.

Finished. Added a couple of fried eggs, some veggies, some Krazy Mixed Salt, Ajishima Kimchi Furikake and a couple dashes of Tabasco Jalapeno hot sauce. The noodles are pretty good – a little less firm than I’d like. The broth has a ‘real chicken broth’ taste which doesn’t seem completely real. Not too bad though – 3.5 out of 5.0 starsUPC bar code 3379140106987 .

Places in Hong Kong where ‘Enter The Dragon’ was filmed – really cool!

News clip about Mali


Filed under * Stars 3.1-4.0, Chicken, Hong Kong, Kailo Brand

#712: Four Seas Seaweed Instant Noodle

Here’s one my sister brought me down from Canada! Thanks, Sue!!! Seaweed flavor, huh? Well, let’s check it out!

Side panels.

This is a first! There are two separate noodle blocks!

Plus a folding fork!

It’s like a Transformer! Kkkk-kkk-kkk-kkk… Yeah.

Powder seasoning…

A pretty good amount and very powdery.

Sesame oil!

Nice strong odor.

Finally, the star of the show – seaweed. Looks like a pretty decent amount.

Yep – a lot of seaweed – layers of it!

Finished. Added some store brand stir fry veggies with a little turkey breast and some Ajishima Kim Chi furikake, a dash of Krazy Mixed Up Salt and a few pieces of narutomaki. The noodles are good but very weak and borderline mushy – eat this one before they get mushy would be my advice. The broth is full of sesame oil flavor but not a whole lot of flavor other than that. Seaweed is extremely prevalent – its everywhere! It’s good too! I like this one – although it definitely could be better. It seemed almost watery; kind of a weird thing to say about soup, but there it is. 3.25 out of 5.0 stars. UPC barcode 4892616010872 .

All about seaweed farming!

Eating seaweed straight from the ocean in Korea

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Filed under * Stars 3.1-4.0, Four Seas, Hong Kong, Other

Re-Review: Meet The Manufacturer – Nissin Demae Ramen With Sesame Oil

Well folks, this is the last one I’ll be reviewing for Meet The Manufacturer: Nissin week. There will be more Nissin reviews coming of course so don’t worry. The ramen hamper runneth over with new varieties to try! So this is a very old one – old as in I reviewed it was back at number #85 – over 600 reviews ago. I think it’s due.

Here’s the back of the packaging. Vertical instead of horizontal like the front… Interesting…

The noodles look almost hungry for some boiling water. I like the ripple on the end.

Here are both side of the seasoning packet.

The contents of the seasoning packet.

This is the sesame oil packet. Fingers not included.

Time to cook up the last of the Nissin week!

Finished. A very plain looking bowl of instant noodles, however a deceptively good one. The noodles are nice and have the right balance of width and firmness to them. The broth has a nice soy flavor to it which the sesame oil mixture accents nicely. This is a good bowl of noodle soup and shall always be. I remember having this as a little kid and despising it though; I though it smelled like cat pee. I think I probably added far too little water to it as I thought the taste was extremely strong and horribly pungent – which properly prepared aren’t words I could use for it. I like it. 3.75 out of 5.0 stars. UPC barcode 489878000012 – get it here.

Here’s a 40th Anniversary commercial for this one!

Here’s a commercial for this one.





Filed under * Meet The Manufacturer, * Price $0.01 - $1.00, * Stars 3.1-4.0, Hong Kong, Japan, Nissin, Other