Tag Archives: jeruk nipis

#895: SuperMi Sedaaap Mi Goreng & Citrojugo Lime Juice Review

Here’s one of the last couple from Meilina K. of Jakarta, Indonesia – thanks again – mailed off your sticker yesterday! Mi Goreng – always a tasty treat! Today, I’m doing things a little differently. Not only am I reviewing these noodles but…

A few weeks ago, I received an email from a representative of Citrojugo. They make lime juice – in fact, they make a lot of lime juice! They wanted to know if I would be interested in purchasing some of their lime juiced for use with my products. I let them know I don’t make anything, I just review, but I would be happy to review their lime juice, not that I’m a lime juice expert or anything. Here’s what they sent – almost a liter of thick, cloudy lime juice concentrate. This stuff is potent! Decided to marinate a chicken breast with it, some chicken broth and Cavendar’s Greek seasoning. We’ll see how it came out further down.

Here’s the back of the noodle package (click to enlarge).

Part of the noodle block.

Here we have the crispy fried onion garnish and powder seasoning.

Crunchy stuff!

Powder seasoning.

Liquid seasonings: chili sauce and sweet soy sauce/oil mixture.

Lots of it.

I put the chicken breast in the over in a 8×8 dish with the Citrojugo lime juice, chicken broth and seasoning, covered and baked for 50 minutes. Looks pretty good to me!

Finished. Added yellow onions, green bell pepper, broccoli, hard boiled egg with Krazy Mixed Up Salt, Dua Belibis chili sauce, kizami shoga (pickled ginger) and some baked chicken marinated in Citrojugo lime juice concentrate with a little Cavender’s Greek Seasoning. The noodles are great – not too chewy, not at all soggy. The flavor of the powder and liquid give it a sweet and spicy taste that can only be described as Mi Goreng – wonderful! The crunchy fried onions are an absolute treat. These are great 5.0/5.0 stars noodles. As for the lime juice, I can’t say that I’m any form of authority on lime juice, but its really good with the chicken! I has a crisp and tasty acidity that makes the chicken taste great! Best concentrated lime juice I’ve ever had the fortune to sample. Special thanks to Jazmin at Citrojugo! UPC bar code 089686915709 .

Wow I wish they sold this stuff here! Really wish I had a SuperMi bowl and apron for when I’m making it too!

Happy Eid al-Adha! Here’s a Wikipedia link for those not familiar with this holiday.

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Filed under * Stars 4.1-5.0, Indonesia, Other, SuperMii

#794: Sarimi Mi Instan Soto Koya Jeruk Nipis

Here’s another one that Meilina K. of Indonesia sent – thanks again! Curious how this one will be; I translated it to what looks like Koya lime flavor soup.

Here’s the back of the package.

The noodle block.

The seasoning powder and chili powder.

Here’s the chili powder atop the seasoning powder.

So upon some researching, I found that serbuk koya means Koya powder. According to Selby’s Food Corner, “Koya powder is made from prawn crackers, fried garlic and dried shrimp.”

It has an interesting taste and I believe I’ll be sprinkling it on top.

Finished. Added a few Blue Diamond Sea Salt almonds. Noodles are nice – they have a good tension to them and absorb some of the broth flavor. The koyo powder adds a little extra something to the mix – very nicely. I really like this stuff – refreshing, tasty, a great kick of lime and a nice spiciness to it. 4.75 out of 5.0 stars. The broth UPC bar code 089686917208 .

Here’s the commercial!

I’ll be reviewing this one soon as well!

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Filed under * Stars 4.1-5.0, Indonesia, Other, Sarimi

#435: Wingsfood Mie Sedaap Instant Mie Sambal Goreng

Sweet! Two days in a row of Indonesian delicacy! Today we have one with mention of Sambal in the title. Sambal equals spicy! Should be good!

Okay so clockwise from the top left we have the delicious fried onions that will be sprinkled on the finished product, dry powdered seasoning known as bumbu, a thick sweet black soy sauce called kecap manis, a chili sauce which usually is manis pedas but I think is where the sambal seasoning is contained, and finally some seasoned oil.

Some crazy looking stuff here! The seasoned oil is the opaque on top top left, then the chili sauce and then the soy sauce with the powder bumbu at the bottom.

The finished product with the nice little bots of fried onion sprinkled. This is what I was expecting yesterday – noodles are cooked and then drained and stirred on a bowl with the seasonings. So yeah this is some great stuff! Some spiciness going on that’s for sure! The onion was as advertised – delicious! Impressive! 4.25 out of 5.0 stars! Get it here.


Filed under * Stars 4.1-5.0, Indonesia, Other, Wingsfood