Tag Archives: langosta

Re-Review: Paldo Lobster Taste King Noodle

Last night, Obama got re-elected as the President, and here in Washington state, same-sex marriage was approved – as was the recreational use of marijuana. Quite an evening! Anyways, was fun watching the political process wind up and come to a close for this cycle. Now, on to the urgent task of noodle reviewing!  The last time I reviewed this one was back in February of ’11 and was #287 (link). I forgot how awesome the picture on this one – I love how it says ‘serving suggestion.’ It makes me think that this is one enormous king of the lobsters that wants you to serve it these self-flavored noodles! Roarrr!!! On a side note, if you look at the lower right hand side of the cup, you can see it says “Chitosan Oligosaccaride 2 mg.” What the heck is that?!?! What I got out of this Wikipedia article is that this is something that comes from the exoskeletons of crustaceans. It got me thinking – Chitosan… ChitoSlim? I remember commercials for ChitoSlim, a weight lossupplement. I found it and lo and behold it contains 1000 mg of Chitosan. I figure it’s basically like a super-fiber. Anyways, let’s continue.

The side panels (click to enlarge). Enjoy them – this took awhile!

The noodle block.

The seasoning packet.

Whoa – that’s a lot of red powder! Spicy red powder!

Here’s just a few bits from the mix at the bottom of the cup. Kamaboko and seaweed.

Finished (click image to enlarge). Added sweet onions, two scrambled eggs with Tabasco Jalapeno sauce and topped with processed cheese and a little Krazy Mixed Up Salt, Texas Pete hot sauce and Urashima Sesame & Salt furikake. The noodles are nice – not mushy, but they kind of come together when chewed. Kind of hard to explain; not a negative either. The broth is nice – tasty and a little spicy. The little bit of veggies and kamaboko were good too. I liked it! 3.75 out of 6.0 stars. UPC bar code 648436100279 – get it here.

Awesome Paldo TV ad for Bibimmen.

Great Korea Yakult TV commercial

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Filed under * Stars 3.1-4.0, Korea, Paldo / Korea Yakult, Seafood

#759: Nongshim Bowl Noodle Soup Savory Lobster (New Version)

There’s quite a few of these to review since the new design and flavors! Was surprised that my son (who by the way has his own blog at www.AndysLEGOStuff.com ) was up for trying some Lobster flavor noodles! I’ll steal a bite and a slurp and see how they are.

Indo on the bottom of the cardboard.

Lid with info.

The noodle block, ready for the heat!

Seasoning powder.

It looks like it should be spicy but it’s not!

The veggies are loose in the bottom and so I pulled out a scant few – mind you there’s more of them.

Oh it looks like he likes it!

Finished. Of course, he wanted some kamaboko and that’s all. Then we found that I must have thrown it out or something – who knows! Bummer! On the bright side, there were a few scant narutomaki left to toss on top so we did. The noodles are pretty dang good – especially after a spin in the microwave. The broth is nice too – I can’t really comment as to its ‘Lobstertude’ as I’ve not had lobster really in my recent memory, but I think the broth tastes quite nice. The veggies weren’t bad, either. 3.75 out of 5.0 stars. UPC bar code 061146263257 .

I gotta say that bowl is awesome.

This is pretty crazy – the Lobster game!

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Filed under * Stars 3.1-4.0, Korea, Nong Shim, Seafood, USA

#376: Sau Tao Lobster Soup Flavored Thick Instant Noodle King

So here’s another of these Sau Tao’s by Sun Shun Fuk (heh heh) and hopefully it’s some good stuff.

A fork, then from left seasoning powder, seasoned oil and vegetables.

Hey this looks pretty good. Look at the noodles – interesting!

Okay so looking at the ingredients, I’m seeing that these aren’t as bad for you as some others. For example, the whole bowl has 4.3h fat, 15g protein and 7g fiber. Not too bad at all right? Well, there’s a trade off here and that’s flavor. The noodles are really funky – the beef Sau Tao I reviewed recently (#364: Sun Shun Fuk Sau Tao Beef Soup Flavored Hong Kong Style Instant Noodle King) these are the same noodles except broad. The flavor is weird too; while it smells of a buttery seafood aroma, its kind of bland. The soup is greasy; I guess all the fat is in the broth? The veggies were nice though.  2.75 out of 5.0 stars.

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Filed under * Stars 2.1-3.0, Hong Kong, Sau Tao, Seafood, Sun Shun Fuk