Tag Archives: low fat

#946: Dr. McDougall’s Right Foods Vegan Chicken Ramen


I’ve often wondered if I would ever find this one. I’ve seen i mentioned quite a few times, and finally the other day I found it at a local grocery store. Vegan… Organic… Let’s give it a try.

The side panels (click image to enlarge). Very few ingredients. Also very low in fat.

This is a very small noodle block.

A pretty big seasoning packet.

Has an odd flavor to it – doesn’t make me think of chicken.

Looks like a nice little assortment of veggies.

Finished (click image to enlarge). Added kizami shoga (pickled gonger), stir fry vegetables and some Urashima Sesame & Salt furikake. The noodles are okay – a little low on backbone. The broth is very strange to me. It reminds me of the smell of cooking broccoli but the taste. I don’t know if that’s logical, but it tastes really off to me and nothing like chicken. The vegetable hydrated nicely. If you are vegan and looking for instant noodles that taste like chicken, I wouldn’t say this is where its at, but I don’t know of many other choices. I would say this is more of a vegetable flavor and less of a chicken flavor. Didn’t find it exceptionally good. 1.75 out of 5.0 stars. Turns out they make a Miso flavor noodle cup as well as a hot and sour. Perhaps those will fare better if I ever see them. UPC bar code 767335011179 – get it here.

I expected to find more on YouTube asbout this one, but here’s a guy who does weekly grocery product reviews and has a little spiel about another Dr. McDougall’s product.

Some people like to use Shirataki noodles as they have literally nothing to them. Check out this recipe.

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Filed under * Price $1.01 - $2.00, * Stars 1.1-2.0, Chicken, Dr. McDougall's Right Foods, Other, USA, Vegetable

Re-Review: Meet The Manufacturer: Nongshim HooRooRook Premium Korean Noodle Soup

It’s funny how much my wife and I enjoy saying ‘HooRooRook!’ I wonder what it means though… Well, after some research, it came to my attention that it is the sound of slurping noodles.

Here’s the back of the package. Notice it’s made in Seoul – so this is Seoul food!

The noodle block. Thin, delicate and light.

The powder base.

It’s really light and powdery.

The veggie flakes.

I really like the little thin long shreds of seaweed – those make me happy.

The soup paste.

It says to add this after cooking and mix it in. So I did.

Finished. I added some Fresno peppers, green bell pepper, onion, snap peas and a coupAlso, I found that there were not only the long, thin noodles but very short slightly wider ones – interesting to see dual gauge noodles in a single block. le florets of broccoli. I really liked the broth – it was light and mellow – not to say I all of a sudden don’t like spicy and deep broth, it’s just nice for a change of pace. In the commercial and from other sources, I see that they’re saying it has some spiciness to it but it is very light. The noodles are good too – they remind me slightly of the Nongshim Hearty Beef rice noodles but a much thinner gauge. Thing is though that these aren’t rice noodles at all. What’s also nice is that the whole pack has a gram of fat, 8g protein and slightly lower sodium than others. Bottom line here is that it’s a nice, light and friendly soup that would make most people who only think instant noodles are unhealthy, cheap nasty things change their tune. 4.0 out of 5.0 stars. UPC bar code 0311461548300 – get it here.

Here’s the HooRooRook commercial with subtitles, starring K-Pop star IU.

Here’s a video on how you can make homemade knife-cut noodles.


Filed under * Meet The Manufacturer, * Stars 3.1-4.0, Korea, Nong Shim, Seafood, USA

#681: Nong Shim Hearty Rice Noodle Black Bean & Vegetables

This is one that’s been in the ramen hamper for a while and so it’s time to give it a go. I’m usually a little leery of the noodles with the thick black coating, but I’m throwing caution to the wind; I liked the last Jjamngmen I had so why not!

Here’s the back of the package.

Had a different Nong Shim variety a long time ago that used these noodles. They’re like long rice micro-macaroni! I think the idea is you get the wider gauged noodle without the chewiness you would get if they weren’t hollow.

A packet of veggies…

A nice melange of color and variety. What you do is boil the noodles with the veggies (and add any you might want – I added some C&W frozen Stir Fry Vegetables) and afterwards…

This packet will enter the big pot of drained noodles.

Here’s what it looks like.

Also a packet of vegetable oil. Stir, Stir, stir!

Well this looks shmancy! The noodles are nice – they don’t seem like your typical rice noodles at all; chewy but not overly so. The black bean veggie sauce is good, although I found myself adding a little salt. The veggies were all good. Not bad at all and was filling. 3.75 out of 5.0 stars! UPC barcode 031146007400. Get it here.

Neato! Is this a store in the US or Korea?

Homemade Jia Jang Men


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Filed under * Price $1.01 - $2.00, * Stars 3.1-4.0, Korea, Nong Shim, Other

Meet The Manufacturer Re-Review: Tat Hui’s KOKA Tom Yum Flavour Instant Rice Noodles

Here’s another of KOKA’s varieties – this time in a bowl and with rice noodles. Notice in the directions that it specifies how much water to add – that’s pretty awesome.

Here’s the side panel information.

A seasoning powder and liquid packet.

The garnish packet – this time, the contents are steeped with the noodles.

Here’s everything in the bowl awaiting two cups of boiling water.

Finished. Added a scrambled egg with some Tabasco Jalapeno hot sauce on top. The rice noodles are the kind I like – wide, thin and very light. The broth is interesting – very lemony and spicy but has a bit more shrimp or seafood taste that I like. The garnish had little shrimps in it that were good too. ASll in all, a decent Tom Yum bowl – 3.5 out of 5.0 stars. UPC barcode 639192721648 – get it here!

A band called The Slurps playing a song called KOKA Noodles.

KOKA TV commercial

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Filed under * Meet The Manufacturer, * Price $0.01 - $1.00, * Stars 3.1-4.0, Koka, Seafood, Singapore, Tat Hui

Meet The Manufacturer Re-Review: Tat Hui’s KOKA Curry Flavour Instant Non-Fried Noodles

Here’s another one – curry flavor!!! This is the four pack.

I ate the contents of this package!

Here’s the back of the package. 0.7g of fat!

Here’s the noodle block – really light.

One packet of dry seasonings.

Here’s the dry powder – has a very nice curry scent!

Here’s the veggie pack…

I love this.

This time, these get cooked with the noodles.

Finished! The noodles are just like in the last coupe packs – a decent firmness and chewiness and still not super thick. The broth is sweet and spicy – but in a curry way. It works and is quite tasty. The veggies are spot on – I really enjoyed how the peas re-hydrated – very nice and fresh. Excellent – 4.25 our of 5.0 stars. UPC barcode 8888056000258 – get it here.

KOKA TV commercial

A UK KOKA commercial.

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Filed under * Meet The Manufacturer, * Price $0.01 - $1.00, * Stars 4.1-5.0, Koka, Other, Singapore, Tat Hui