Tag Archives: maggi

The Ramen Rater Noodle Fest

So here’s a video with pretty much all the photos I’ve taken of noodles and where they come from. Strange, I know, but enjoy!

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#190: Maggi Instant Noodles Perencah Tom Yam Flavour

So haven’t had any Tom Yum or Yam for that matter in quite a while. Nor have I had anything by Maggi in a while either. This stuff is from Malaysia! This is a first for me – noodles from Malaysia!!!

Two packets – dry and a paste with an odd smell to it.

A little thing on the back mentions how some people just hate it when people slurp the noodles. This particular package extolls the virtues of it and even encourages prolific slurping.

Hmmm… Looks interesting…

Lemon and heat and salty is the broth – as sell as oily and some little bits of vegetable. I liked the noodles too. Not a whole lot here but your basics… I must admit at the end of the bowl it got a little tiresome. I’m intrigues but not overly excited. This one merits a 2.90 out of 5.0 stars – not a 3.0 but not just an average.

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Filed under * Stars 2.1-3.0, Maggi, Malaysia, Seafood

#62: Maggi Rice Noodle Mania – Lemon Masala

Maggi: Rice Noodle Mania – Lemon Masala
Stars: * 1 / 2
Noodles: Rice Flour
Packets: 1 “Tastemaker”
Country of Origin: India

Upon opening the packet, I was greeted by an extremely lemony odor. Not lemon puckery lemon, but more like the scent of iced tea.

Here’s the pre cooked noodle chunk. Usually I like to take the pic right before the dunking into the boiling water, but these being rice noodles, I opted not to get them all over the place in the name of my art.

So here’s the unadulterated finished product. As always, the score given is based on how the noodles taste at this point, along with the broth/seasoning. The lemon flavor was very pungent, and somewhat helpful in covering the masala flavor, a flavor I don’t really like with noodles like these. As for the noodles, they were thinner than your normal instant noodles, but they just didn’t make me all that excited, hence the low score.

So now it’s time to happy up these noodles! I started with adding a ton of leftover chicken breast I microwaved. I baked it last night with some italian dressing…

Then to add a little something else (and to get rid of more leftovers) I added some of the parmesan couscous from last night as well. At this point in the game, the masala flavor is much diminished, however the lemon is very present. This meal works now. Get it here.


Filed under * Stars 1.1-2.0, India, Maggi, Vegetable

#61: Maggi 2 Minute Noodles – Curry

Maggi: 2 Minute Noodles – Curry Flavor
Stars: * * 1 / 2
Noodles: Wheat flour
Seasoning Packets: 1 ‘Tastemaker’ Packet, medium sized
Country of Origin: India

Bac of the pack. No instruction on how to cook were visible, but they were most likely under the US required Nutrition Facts sticker. I had a pack of Lemon Masala 2 Minute Noodles, which did have visib;e instructions. 1 1/2 teacups boiling water and packet. Add noodles for 2 minutes. Stir. Enjoy.

Here’s the ‘Tastemaker’ packet. It’s pretty puffed out and definitely full of flavor.

Here’s the contents of the Tastemaker packet blended into the water.

Thought a couple fried eggs might compliment the noodles…

Even Andreas thought the food smelled good, although he wouldn’t touch it after it was cooked.

Your basic brick of instant noodles…

Cook… Cook! COOK!!!

Unadulterated finished product. My review is based upon this entirely. The noodles were not anything remarkable. The broth was very salty. A little heat and curry flavor, however not what I expecteed from a curry flavor instant noodle from India. I would recommend Nissin Demae Ramen curry flavor for more curry-like taste.

So on go the throng of egglitude…

Some pink pickled ginger….

A couple flairs of Bango….

Finally, a couple dribs and drabs of ABC Manis Pedas. It ended up being an excellent meal, despite where it started. The cooking of the eggs and adding of condiments took it well over the 2 Minute mention on the package. Get it here.

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Filed under * Stars 1.1-2.0, India, Maggi

#60: Maggi Vegetable Atta Noodles Masala

Maggi: Vegetable Atta Noodles Masala
Stars: **
Country of origin: India
Seasoning:1 Packets, 1 dry
Noodles: Atta

One solitary dry packet. Pretty good sized amount of stuff in it…

Here are the contents in the bowl, awaiting the noodles and water.


Finished product.

Review: So these noodles weren’t all that amazing. They cooked quickly and that was great. The seasoning, masala flavor, was kind of bland and not much fun. It was like a pizza with no toppings and a hole in the middle that makes the whole bowl of soup pretent to be burnt frustration crust pizza. I don’t really care for crust as much as the pizza topped part. Well, long story short, these noodles were short on flavor, however masala was an interesting choice of flavor. A couplre peas and onion in there were interesting. Get it here.


Filed under * Stars 1.1-2.0, India, Maggi, Vegetable