Tag Archives: malasia

#679: Mamee Express Cup Fried Onion Chicken Flavour

Here’s another one my sister got me for my birthday! Here’s a brand I’ve never seen before – Mamee. It’s from Malaysia! Let’s have a look!

Here’s the info on the distributor’s sticker.

Here’s the side…

…and the top info.

This is the coolest fork ever – you pull it apart and it clicks!

See? Rad!

Powder seasoning packet.

Seasoned oil.

Here’s everything awaiting the boiling water.

Finished. Let’s see… The noodles are indeed plentiful – and not too shabby. The broth is chickenish – not too bad. The veggies are passable. This isn’t anything really to write home about, then again it isn’t a bad cup of noodles. 3.25 out of 5.0 stars. UPC barcode 9555022301242 .

Slrrrp Curry!

Malaysian Mamee commercial

Or was it from Myanmar?


Filed under * Stars 3.1-4.0, Chicken, Malaysia, Mamee

#190: Maggi Instant Noodles Perencah Tom Yam Flavour

So haven’t had any Tom Yum or Yam for that matter in quite a while. Nor have I had anything by Maggi in a while either. This stuff is from Malaysia! This is a first for me – noodles from Malaysia!!!

Two packets – dry and a paste with an odd smell to it.

A little thing on the back mentions how some people just hate it when people slurp the noodles. This particular package extolls the virtues of it and even encourages prolific slurping.

Hmmm… Looks interesting…

Lemon and heat and salty is the broth – as sell as oily and some little bits of vegetable. I liked the noodles too. Not a whole lot here but your basics… I must admit at the end of the bowl it got a little tiresome. I’m intrigues but not overly excited. This one merits a 2.90 out of 5.0 stars – not a 3.0 but not just an average.

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Filed under * Stars 2.1-3.0, Maggi, Malaysia, Seafood