Tag Archives: mixed

#710: Saigon Ve Wong Kung-Fu Instant Noodles Mixed Foods Flavor

Been saving this one for just the right day – and here it is! Mixed foods flavor?! Wow this is a fascinating one – never have I found an instant noodle with such a non-descript totle! Surf and turf? Not sure what’s going on here but we’ll give ‘er a try!

To be honest, if you read the ingredients it looks like it’s kind of a seafood bowl.

The noodle block.

Powder seasoning.

Very fine powder.

Veggie and dehydrated seafood packet.

Dehydrated naruto and a couple little shrimp in there.

Seasoned oil packet.

Reminds me of an ocean on a sunny day with some seagulls. Yeah I know…

Finished. Made a two egg omelet with a little Kikkoman soy sauce and some Melinda’s Garlic Habanero hot sauce. Also added some store brand stir fry veggies and Ajishima Kim Chi furikake on top of those. The noodles are lackluster – kind of stringy and not super happy. The broth is interesting; kind of sweet seafoody like crab. I would say it’s kind of a mixed seafood flavor. The veggies aren’t bad; the shrimp and naruto were kind of passable. I think the title was really what drew me to this one and I’m not surprised with the quality. 2.75 out of 5.0 stars. UPC barcode 8934684025511 .

Foods from all over the world event in Sweden – looks amazing!

Here’s how to make Vietnamese Mixed Foods Soup!

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Filed under * Price $1.01 - $2.00, * Stars 2.1-3.0, Other, Saigon Ve Wong, Seafood, Ve Wong, Vietnam

#686: Wingsfood Mi Sedaap Mi Segera Jelas Terasa Sedapnya Mi Goreng Perisa Sambal Goreng

More Indonesian noodles! This one’s a spicy pack of mi goreng – fried noodles!

This is the export label.

Here’s the package back – the export sticker was a little obstinate.

Here’s the noodle block.

Well, not too hard to tell what we have here – from left to right, seasoned oil, hot chili sauce and sweet soy sauce.

Powdered seasoning sachet!

So everything gets put in the bowl and the noodles once done are drained and everything is stirred up.

Here’s the garnish packet – fried onions!

Finished! Added two fried eggs, some roast turkey lunch meat, kizami shoga (pickled ginger), Jane’s Krazy Mixed Up Salt and Melinda’s Garlic Habanero hot sauce. Oh – and the fried onion garnish. The noodles are great – chewy and soft too. The flavor is spicy and sweet – along with a satisfying and delicious crunch from the fried onion. This is grubbin! 4.5 out of 5.0 stars! UPC barcode 8998866200448 – get it here.

Mi Sedaap commercial.

Carl Sagan again in this awesome series.


Filed under * Price $1.01 - $2.00, * Stars 4.1-5.0, Indonesia, Other, Wingsfood

#650: Dragonfly Instant Noodles Artificial Chicken Flavor

The last time I had Dragonfly brand noodles they were in a bowl and cooked by steeping. This time around it’s boiling in a pot. I remember how much I really enjoyed these Chinese noodles! Let’s see how they are in a pack.

Here’s the back of the packaging.

Here’s the noodle block in all of its tasty glory. I remember these wre like a very light pasta and really were quite nice.

Three packets – clockwise from the top we have the veggies, the seasoned oil and the dry powder seasoning.

As you can see, there’s a good amount of veggies. I remember that these bulked up quite a bit and tasted very fresh.

This is gonna be good! I tried the noodles and broth pre-additions by the way. I added two fried eggs with a little Jane’s Krazy Mixed Up Salt and fried shallots, some oven roasted turkey lunch meat, some kizami shoga (pickled ginger) and a little zip of Huy Fong Sriracha (red rooster) sauce.

The noodles were even better this time; they were luxuriant and had a nice color to them. They weren’t tough but they weren’t too soft either. They were about as spot on for an instant noodle as I’ve had. The broth was very tasty – full of chicken taste. The veggies were prevalent, abundant and everywhere with a good crunch (especially when it came to the slivers of carrot). A fine bowl of noodles and with everything I added a meal fit for a king! I like this stuff a lot – I’ll be reviewing the Onion Flavor soon and I’m sure that’s going to be quite amazing in pack form too – 4.0 out of 5.0 stars – worth getting especially when so cheap! UPC barcode 721557450918 – I think this is it here.

Post meal techno chicken.

Welcome to limbo.

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Filed under * Price $0.01 - $1.00, * Stars 3.1-4.0, Chicken, China, Dragonfly Brand

#630: Ve Wong Kung-Fu Artificial Mushroom Pork Flavor Instant Oriental Noodle Soup

Here’s one that has been in the noodle bin since the trip to California my wife and son and I took in July! Time to eat. Mushroom pork just didn’t sound too good, but you know me, I have to try it.

I scanned the label for those so interested.

Unexpected this is. Usually these are a bit less interesting. That big packet on top was absolutely full of powdered seasoning. Lower right is veggies and lower left was seasoned oil and maybe soy sauce – not sure.

See what I mean about the powder seasoning? Huge amount!

Finished. Added one fried egg with a little Krazy Mixed Up Salt on top. I gave it a try and must say it hit the mark as I expected. The noodles were okay – nothing amazing but not bad. The broth was slightly thick and almost slithery. It definitely had mushroom flavor going on as well as a funky pork fat taste. The veggies. The mushrooms were slimy and gross. Again, I’m not a big mushroom fan, but this really put me off. 1.25 out of 5.0 stars – at least my egg was good, but that didn’t add points to the score. UPC bar code is 4710008212638.

Something is going on in Korea.

But I don’t think Koreans are burping the Super Mario Brothers theme.

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Filed under * Price $1.01 - $2.00, * Stars 1.1-2.0, Kung Fu, Pork, Taiwan, Ve Wong, Vegetable

#622: Daikoku My Friend Vic Tanuki Udon Big Bowl

You might be viewing this website today because of the article they did about me in The Everett Herald – or not! Either way, I thought I’d break out something I found last week that I’m really stoked on. This is a bowl I got at Uwajimaya, a Japanese grocery in Seattle (there’s one in Bellevue, too).

If you’re new to noodles, let’s start with the name here. Tanuki? Well, you’re going to find this really bizarre – just have a look at this. I’ve noticed that when tanuki is mentioned, there’s going to be some tempura involved. Udon? It’s a thick, wider gauge noodle.  My Friend Vic? You got me – maybe y ou know him?

When stuff like this ends up in stores here in the United States, they have to conform to our requirements as far as the nutrition facts labels and ingredients lists. What can be tough is deciphering the actual name of the instant noodle bowl (I don’t speak Japanese). Google to the rescue! If you take all the digits on the barcode from the label and enter it into Google, you’ll end up with a ton of links to Japanese online groceries – click Translate on the result and after clicking on a few of them, you can get the idea of what the noodles are titled.

Two packets here – powdered on the left and the tempura on the right. Nice to see there’s some seaweed included!

I like my tempura crunchy, so I leave it to the side for now. Here’s the noodles and powdered seasoning awaiting the water. Just like you’d expect, you fill it up to the line and cover it. I use an old yearbook – not mine – from 1987 I found at the Goodwill Outlet in Seattle.

Holy cow this looks awesome! I added a fried egg and put a little Krazy Mixed Up Salt on top. I also added a little bit of Kizami Shoga, which is pickled ginger – not the kind you find with sushi that’s sweet but the sharp flavored kind. Let’s start with the noodles. They came out really nicely – they’re broad and thick – very tasty! Not very chewy, but not spongy. The broth is very tasty – salty, yes, but not ‘table salty.’ The good shoyu (soy sauce) flavor comes through. Then the tempura: crunchy and tasty – the seaweed is nice too! I really enjoyed this one a lot – Highly recommended! 4.75 out of 5.0 stars!

Here’s a vid of someone making what you’d find if you ordered tanuki udon in a Japanese restaurant.

Earlier this year, I was invited down to KIRO News/Radio 97.3FM and was interviewed by Rachel Belle!


Filed under * Price $3.01 - $4.00, * Stars 4.1-5.0, Daikoku, Japan, Other