Tag Archives: mr noodles

#786: Mr. Noodles Beef Simulated Flavour Instant Noodles

Here’s another one of the Mr. Noodles variants from Canada. Thanks go to Mark K. and Erika L. for getting these to me! Beef. Okay let’s try it!

Here’s the back of the package.

The noodle block.

The flavoring packet!

A decent amount of flavoring!

Finished. Added some veggie, roast beef, kizami shoga (pickled ginger) and one almond. The noodles were a bit different this time – not all slimy which I am happy to report. Still, they’re pretty weak and sad. The broth was surprisingly bland yet again. I love that I’m able to review these even though they’re really lackluster. 3.0 out of 5.0 stars. UPC bar code 059491000358 .

This is pretty bizarre…

Hey this is awesome!

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Filed under * Stars 2.1-3.0, Beef, Canada, Mr. Noodles

#777: Mr. Noodles Oriental Flavour Instant Noodles

How awesome – Canadian instant noodles! Thanks go to Mark K. and Erika L. for getting these to me! I asked my wife to pick which one to try first – she said with a resounding note of certainty, “Oriental.” Indeed, it shall be the first one of these I sample.

Interesting – they’re imported into Canada, but from where? I’ve been told these are sold at Canadian Wal-Mart stores.

Looks like your standard instant noodle block. The noodles are crunchy and a little rich.

Sigh – a lonely single packet of seasoning. The other side says the same but in French.

The seasoning. It actually has a nice flavor to it – soy and sweet and salty.

Finished. Added some veggies, some beef lunch meat and a couple fried eggs with some Krazy Mixed Up Salt on ’em. This is not what I expected; I would say this is a cross between Top Ramen and Pot Noodle. The noodles are a trip – they’re almost covered in a layer of sticky gluten, maybe more slimy than sticky. The broth is a trip – it’s not overly salty and has a really light flavor. This really is a Top Ramen meets Pot Noodle collision; kind of bland with saucy noodles. It’s interesting, that’s for sure – how weird! All said and done, they’re not bad but certainly not great. I give this one 2.75 out of 5.0 stars – could’ve used more flavor and more backbone on the noodle. UPC bar code 059491000600 .

These guys came to mind as soon as I heard of this brand.

Rad time lapse of noodles cooking themselves.

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Filed under * Price $0.01 - $1.00, * Stars 2.1-3.0, Canada, Mr. Noodles, Other

Mr Noodles Has Arrived!

So a fellow named Mark K. got a hold of his Canadian friend Erika L. and sent me a package!

Could it be?

It is! Seven varieties of Mr. Noodles from Canada! We don’t have these down in the states – this is really very cool! Thank you both for the help with this! Looking forward to reviewing them! I’ll be sending you some Ramen Rater stickers for your troubles!

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Filed under * News, Canada

#609: Wei-Wei “A” Series Instant Noodles Artificial Hot Beef Flavor

Here’s another that was sent to me by Michelle L. of New York. This is something I’ve never had before – Wei-Wei brand. Wai Wai yes, Wei-Wei, no. The packaging is interesting – note the guy with the suave hat in the upper right. He’s there; on the scene – purchasing noodles . Let’s see if these noodles rock.  Note the economical 49 cent price tag!

Ah Vedan…. Hmmm – that doesn’t bode well! I remember having a Vedan ‘Jaopai Series’ bowl of noodles a few years back that netted a zero star rating with some choice comments of it’s flavor. I’m hoping this is something different.

Two packets – a coagulated oil and flavoring liquid on the left and powdered seasoning on the right.

A very tightly woven block of noodles. Also very angular and flat.

Ready for 400mL of water.

Added two egg plain omelet with Cavender’s All-Purpose Greek Seasoning and a couple squirts of Tabasco Buffalo Style hot sauce.  This steeped for three minutes. The noodles fluffed up an amazingly huge amount – like one of those capsules you put in the tub and turn into a dinosaur. Good noodles actually – fluffy and buttery. The broth is spicy but not to the point of pain. The veggies although sporadic are nice. Quite a good buy at 49 cents – 3.75 out of 5.0 stars – looks like “A” series is decent stuff!

Star Trek ‘Fartershop Quartet”

This is ultra screwed up – I don’t know what’s going on.

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Filed under * Price $0.01 - $1.00, * Stars 3.1-4.0, Beef, Taiwan, Vedan, Wei-Wei