Tag Archives: nestle

#844: Maggi 2 Minute Noodles Perencah Asam Laksa

Spent some time hanging out with my friend Matt B. the other day and we went to HT Oaktree Market on 100th & Aurora in Seattle and found this new one. But what is Asam Laksa? Here’s what Wikipedia has to say:

Asam laksa is a sour, fish-based soup. It is listed at number 7 on World’s 50 most delicious foods complied by CNN Go in 2011.[5] Asam (or asam jawa) is the Malay word for tamarind, which is commonly used to give the stock its sour flavor. It is also common to use asam keping (also known as asam gelugor), dried slices of sour mangosteen, for added sourness. The modern Malay spelling is asam, though the spelling assam is still frequently used.

The main ingredients for asam laksa include shredded fish, normally kembung fish or mackerel, and finely sliced vegetables including cucumber, onions, red chillies, pineapple, lettuce, common mint, “daun kesum” (Vietnamese mint or laksa mint) and pink bunga kantan (ginger buds). Asam laksa is normally served with either thick rice noodles or thin rice noodles (vermicelli). And topped off with “petis udang” or “hae ko” (蝦羔), a thick sweet prawn/shrimp paste.

Was about to drop some beef or chicken in there but I think that wouldn’t make much sense here. Sounds neat! From Malaysia! Let’s hit it up.

Here’s the back. So I’m going to go with 2 cups of boiling water and drop in the noodles and seasoning for 2 minutes.

A very light colored noodle block – almost white.

One seasoning packet.

Here’s the stuff of flavor.

Found these things at HT Oaktree Market too – they were in the Indonesian section and looked interesting. Upon bringing them home, I tried them and found they were horrid. Today I looked at the bag and you have to fry them. IT’S CRAZY!!! You drop some of them into some hot oil and fry them – they expand – really quickly too – and turn into these crunchy shrimp flavored chip-like things. Thought I’d add some.

Finished. Added onion, Fresno chili pepper, lettuce, some Komodo Shrimp Chips, a scrambled egg with Krazy Mixed Up Salt and Dua Belibis Chili sauce. The noodles aren’t shabby – nothing to write home about but decent. The broth is great – it is indeed sour, spicy and has a hit of seafood taste. If you squirted a ton of lemon juice in, it’d be a lot like Tom Yum. I really liked it – 4.0 out of 5.0 stars! UPC bar code 9556001128850 – get it here.

A Maggi Laksa commercial

Singapore documentary

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Filed under * Stars 3.1-4.0, Maggi, Malaysia, Seafood

#763: Maggi 2-Minute Noodles Tricky Tomato

This is something that’s also been at the bottom of the noodle hamper for a while.

Some interesting little things on here. The teacups reference is nice, and interesting is the break into 4 pieces. I’m glad I keep my food in a hygienic place.

Yes, it will be broken into four pieces.

The seasoning packet.

Very tomato-like.

Finished. The noodles are pretty good – lots of them and kind of a mushiness to them that’s different. Not a bad mushiness though. The broth is full of tomato flavor and almost a slight spiciness to them. Not bad – 3.25 out of 5.0 stars. UPC bar code 8901058134292 – get it here.

Maggi noodles commercial.

Looks like Pizza Hut’s a little different in India!


Filed under * Price $1.01 - $2.00, * Stars 3.1-4.0, India, Maggi, Vegetable

#574: Maggi Tricky Tomato 2 Minute Noodles

ricky tomato? Well, it shouldn’t be too tricky to make from the looks of the directions.

Instant noodles from India! Mmmm coriander!

A single packet. I like the graphics on every inch of this packaging.

A very strong tomato smell came from this mound of seasoning…

Finished with a couple eggs. I added a little Krazy Mixed Up Salt too.  So the noodles were standard instant noodles. The flavor was nice – not over salty; in fact, that Mixed Up Salt really helped. Had a rich and deep tomato flavor. Good stuff! 3.75 out of 5.0 stars. Get it here.

Short about instant noodle factory in Brazil.

More random home movies of Thanksgiving – always random people I don’t know…


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Filed under * Price $0.01 - $1.00, * Stars 3.1-4.0, India, Maggi, Other