Tag Archives: nsa

#934: Nongshim Jinjja Jinjja Flamin’ Hot & Nutty Noodle Soup

I got a couple of these family packs sent as samples from Nongshim America the other day…

I’ve had tons of the version that they sell in Korea, but now they’re making it in the United States – specifically in Rancho Cucamonga, California! Today I’ll give this stuff a try and see if it’s as good as what I’ve tried from Korea.

The back of the package (click to enlarge).

The noodle block.

The powder seasoning packet.

Spicy powder!

Nutty seasoning!

Tastes like peanuts and has black sesame seeds in there.

The veggie packet.

Here are all the seasonings hanging out together.

Finished (click image to enlarge). Added some sweet onion. The noodles are great – plentiful and of a nice gauge. The slurp up just the right amount of broth and arrive at a very good consistency and chew. The broth is great – the peanut and spicy elements all combine to make a really fiery as well as hearty combination that is quite enjoyable. The veggies are plentiful and there’s a nice variety of them. This stuff is excellent, just like its Korean counterpart. Nice to see that everyone will get to try this stuff in the USA! 5.0 out of 5.0 stars – wonderful stuff! UPC bar code 031146019526.

Here’s the Korean TV commercial for Jinjja Jinjja. These guys are known as Cultwo.

Here’s some of their Korea radio show.

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Filed under * Stars 4.1-5.0, Korea, Nong Shim, Pork, USA

Samples From Nongshim America!

Hey – a package from Nongshim America – but what’s inside?

This just came out for sale in the USA and I can’t wait to try it! If it’s the same as what they make in Korea (see review), then it’s some serious 5.0/5.0 star stuff. Made for sale here in California! Awesome! Thanks to Ray A. and Hanna C. over at NSA! Might do this review later today!

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Filed under Korea, Nong Shim, Pork, USA

New TV Spot For Nongshim’s Shin Ramyun Black Cup With PSY

Unless you’ve been hiding under a proverbial rock for the last couple of months, you have heard the song ‘Gangnam Style‘ by South Korean pop star PSY at one time or another, seen the horse dance, etc. Well, After he sent Nongshim a video asking if he could do a commercial for them, they said yes.

Well today, the commercials have come out – they’re pretty funny. I still want to let it be known that I formally challenge PSY to a ramyun eating contest -maybe Shin Ramyun Black Cup? That’d be awesome! Anyways, here’s some videos to check out of the commercial.

The ‘A’ version of the Nongshim Shin Ramyun Black Cup commercial with PSY

The ‘B’ version of the Nongshim Shin Ramyun Black Cup commercial with PSY

Here’s the ‘making of’ video.

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Filed under * News, Korea, Nong Shim

The Ramen Rater Challenges PSY To A Ramyun Eating Contest!


     I saw a video recently about PSY being a huge fan of Korean instant ramyun – Nongshim’s Shin Ramyun in particular. He sent a video showing him eating their noodles with a definite excitement and pride. He wants to be the next representative of their products! I got to say, this was really was cool to see. I feel a definite kinship with PSY on this matter – instant ramyun is amazing stuff!

With that, I would like to formally challenge PSY to a friendly Nongshim Shin Cup eating contest! I don’t know exactly how to do a ramyun cup  eating contest as I’ve never been in one or heard of anyone doing one, but I’m sure we could figure it out! Oppan Gangnam Style and Spicy Ramyun Style!

What do you say?

– The Ramen Rater


Hey – what do YOU think?

Here’s the video PSY sent to Nongshim.


Filed under Korea, Nong Shim, USA

#792: Nongshim Bowl Noodle Soup Spicy Chicken Flavor (New Version)

The 200th review I did was the old version of this stuff! Over 500 reviews later, we come to the new version. So far, these new ones have been quite good.

Here’s the panel info from the cardboard outer.

The lid with directions.

The noodle block.

The seasoning packet.

Here’s the seasoning with a more yellow color than its predecessor.

Here are a few bits of the veggies from the bottom of the bowl.

Finished. Added a couple fried eggs with a pinch of Krazy Mixed Up Salt, some kimchi, some chicken lunch meat and some veggies. The noodles were exceptionally good as I have found these new ones to be lately. The broth has a decent bit of spiciness but not a snap your neck level – I could handle a bit more. Veggie re-hydrated nicely. In review #200, I didn’t like the noodles as much, but I definitely remember it being spicier. So it sticks at a 4.5 out of 5.0 stars. UPC bar code 031146262571 – get it here.

This is awesome! I want to go to Korea someday – everyone’s really happy and there’s noodles, too!

I wanna try this stuff!


Filed under * Stars 4.1-5.0, Chicken, Korea, Nong Shim, USA