Tag Archives: pepper

#923: Ibumie Penang LadMee Hot Pepper Flavour Instant Noodle

Hey awesome! Went to 99 Ranch yesterday and found a couple I hadn’t reviewed before! With such a drought of new things to review, a couple 69 cent packs were a nice surprise! So here’s Ibumie LadMee from Malaysia!

Here’s the back of the package (click to enlarge).

\Here’s the noodle block.

Here’s an unlabeled largish packet.

A fine, light powder.

Now here’s where it’s kind of confusing; wasn’t the last packet seasoning powder?

This one definitely has a strong pepper taste to it; not chili pepper but more attune to black pepper.

Oil on the left and sweet soy sauce on the right.

They mingle in the cup nicely.

Andy wanted to get some new kinds to try – so he dug into his piggy bank and picked all these out himself.

Finished (click image to enlarge). Added chicken with Tony Chachere’s Creole seasoning, stir fry veggies and some Dua Belibis chili sauce. The noodles are nice – good chew to them and well mannered insofar as they aren’t cheap or spongy. The broth is interesting; it has a strong pepper taste – not the chili kind but the salt and pepper kind. It’s an interesting experience; not like another black pepper flavored instant I had before but all to its own. 3.5 out of 5.0 stars. UPC bar code 850248004045 .

This is a pretty odd TV commercial – I like it!

A short video of travel in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

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Filed under * Price $0.01 - $1.00, * Stars 3.1-4.0, Indomie, Malaysia, Other

Meet The Manufacturer: Paldo Interview

I’m very happy to announce that today begins Meet The Manufacturer Week: Paldo~ There will be many reviews and information about this great South Korean company. Here, we shall start with the interview. Enjoy!

THE RAMEN RATER> Thank you very much for agreeing to do this interview! Could we start off with some information about Paldo; when was Paldo founded, where and by who?

PALDO> Paldo was the Brand name of Korea Yakult Company in 1969. End of last year in 2011, it was separated from a brand name to a complete food manufacture company with our CEO, Choi, Jae-moon. We are still same company but, we are different in the management part.

TRR> For those of my readers who are not familiar with your line of products, could you tell us a little about them?

PALDO> Our Products are consisted of three big categories. 1.Noodles, 2.Beverages, 3.Retort processed products.
For Noodles, we have Bibim-men, Hwa Ramen, Kokomen Packet and Bowl noodles. Also, have Doshirak, and King Noodles.
For Beverages, we have Aloe Vera Drinks, Shikhye(Rice Drink), Soojeonggwa(Cinnamon Drink), Coffee, Pororo(Kid’s Drink).
For Retort Processed Products, we have Soy Bean Broth, Cold Noodle, and other Snacks.

TRR> How did you come to the ‘Fun & Yum’ motto? What’s it all about?

PALDO> Fun & Yum is changing this world happier with different color of the taste. It contains our challenge and philosophy. Also, ”Yum” pronunciation in Korean also represents the sound of delicious eating sound.

TRR> After a very long wait, Kokomen has just been released in the United States. Could you tell us about Kokomen and how it came into existence and what makes it special?

PALDO> Usually New Ramen comes out from existing similar types. For instance, Jjajang, Jjambbong, Yuk-gye-jang, Cold Noodle, Kissmyon, Nagasaki Jjambbong Etc. But, Kokomen is very unique and prototype of all recipes. Kokomen was introduced through a Cooking Contest and food critics and people were amazed by the taste of it. Paldo took this recipe and developed to a total brand new product to our consumers.

TRR> When did you decide to the the United States, and why in California?

PALDO> Paldo’s America’s office was established October of 2010. California located at the major ports in the west coast. For Paldo’s Products to come-in, From this location, we will expand to Mid-west and east coast in near future.

TRR> What does the name ‘Paldo’ mean?

PALDO> The word “Pal” means number 8 in Korean and “Do” means Province. If North Korea and South Korea combines together, there are 8 Provinces. Our philosophy is that we as Korean wishes to be united in someday. Even though Korea has separated into North and South after the Korean war, people from 8 provinces are still in Paldo. As unique people work in Paldo, also provide unique and the best quality products nationwide and furthermore internationally. The logo of Paldo represents our customer’s excited moments of our products expectations and pleasures as our customers open our products. Paldo creates remarkable tastes through our times to our customers’ satisfaction. Our logo’s red color represents “passion of our quality” and the color green represents “nature and health”. In addition, “Pal-Do” could mean, “Friends(Pal), let’s become Friends”

TRR> Is Paldo involved in the local community around you?

PALDO> We are yet involved in the local communities, but we are planning on a significant contribution in near future. From last year, we started a little support to a charity foundation near New York.

TRR> How many packs, cups and bowls of instant noodles do you make in a year?

PALDO> We produced 343,773,000 in sales counts in the year 2011. In the year of 2012, we expect more than 446,905,000 in sales. Our prediction is about 130% sales growth compare to the last year.

TRR> Are there any new products that will be coming out soon that you could tell us about?

PALDO> We are planning to introduce “Kokomen Jumbo Cup and Small Cup”, Namja Ramen(Pack/King/Small), Rabbokki, Milk Tea, Energy Drink, and Snacks etc.

TRR> A lot of people wonder about the health factors (sodium, etc) when it comes to instant noodles. How do you recommend people made instant noodles a healthy part of their diet?

PALDO> Usually our consumers adds vegetables, eggs, and meats or takes out little portion of our soup-mix to control the sodium level. Paldo recommends adding mushrooms, bean sprouts, or corns. Mushroom will add rich taste, bean sprouts gives fresh tastes. For your diet, you can cook half portion of the noodle or DO NOT take the soup all the way down.

TRR> I noticed on the Dosirac, the packets have writing in cyrillic – not something I commonly see. Can you tell us why?

PALDO> The Dosirac in Cyrillic writing is the most popular product in Russia. Dosirac Ranks Market share #1 Product in Russia, so you can say that we are the TOP 1st.

TRR> Do you make/sell products other than instant noodles?

PALDO> As previously mentioned, we have beverages, Retort processed products, and snacks etc.

TRR> What was your first product?

PALDO> 3 Noodles were introduced in September 1983. 1. Sooeh-gogi(Beef) 2. Chlorella, 3. Sesame Flavor

TRR> I hear Paldo pronounced with an ‘i’ instead of an ‘l’ in Korean commercials – is this the correct way to
say the company name?

PALDO>I think the pronunciation “L” in Korean differs from English Pronunciation that makes little different and it sound a bit like “paido” for you. But, it is really Pal-Do with” L”

TRR> How does the process in which you make your noodles differ from other brands?

PALDO> 4 Major Korean Noodle making company’s Facilities and processes may be very similar to each other. If we were to bring out what Paldo is really different from others is that we have tried more to come out with better products. For instance, we came up with liquid soup mix NOT dry, we built facilities to make Retort processed products, we spent more time to develop our products and these make a major different from others. As a result, for the first time in the history, we have applied this liquid mix to Bibim men, and Jjajangmen’s Retort processed technology would be our valuable outcome from our longtime effort.

TRR> When you make instant noodles for yoursself, do you add anything or have any recommendations?

PALDO> In Korea, there is a very special soup that increase energy, boost metabolism, promote fitness, made out with Chicken, Ginseng, jujube, sticky rice, and Whole Garlics in a pot. We call this “Sam-Gye-Tang”. As a special recommendation, you can start with our soup mix, a strip of ginseng, some jujube, and garlics. Boil these for about 20 min (recommend to put a little more water than recommended) and put your noodle and cook this with your toppings if you like. This recommendation will be the most Healthier and wellbeing Ramen Cooking for you.
We do not have any other recommendations than this, but if we really have to recommend, we recommend the instructions in the back of our noodle packs. Especially, adding water portion could make a big difference. Cooking equipment and time also makes difference, but when you cook our new product, we recommend not adding anything because we want you to taste our original taste provided.

THE RAMEN RATER> Thank you very much for this opportunity to learn more about Paldo!

Here are links to the posts during Meet The Manufacturer: Paldo week

Interview * Promotional Gifts & Samples * Paldo Jang Ramyun Soy Flavor Noodle * Paldo Speed King Bowl (Prototype) * Paldo Kokomen Spicy Chicken Flavor * Paldo Cucumber Bibim Men * Paldo Shouyu Ramen * Paldo Gomtang Oriental Style Noodles With Soup Base * Paldo Chicken Flavor Korean Noodle * Paldo Namja Ramyun (Men’s Ramyun) * Paldo King Cup Kimchi Pot Stew Instant Noodle * Paldo Rabokki * Paldo Teumsae Ramyun * Paldo Seafood Noodle Soup * Paldo Seolleongtangmyeon * Paldo Hwa Ramyun With Soy Peptide * Paldo Jjajangmen Chajang Noodle * Paldo Bibim Men Oriental Style Noodle

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Filed under * Meet The Manufacturer, Korea, Paldo / Korea Yakult

#820: Sunlee Tom Yum Shrimp Flavour Instant Rice Stick

Today is probably the hottest day we’re going to have in Western Washington this summer. Right now it’s 88 degrees! I thought a nice bowl of spicy noodles would go well with it. I mean, isn’t it hot in Thailand too?

Detail of the lid info.

An included fork!

Yay rice stick!

Seasoning powder.

A decent amount of it – has a very acidic taste.

Seasoned oil.

Looks much like a paste.

Andy was stoked – we got some kamaboko and it was really good. Check out his blog, Andy’s LEGO Stuff here!

Finished. I added a little black pepper and some Huy Fong Sriracha chili sauce. The noodles are sturdier than a wheat flour noodle being that they’re rice stick. A little chewier but not too much so and still breakable by pursing one’s lips. The broth is quite good – a nice spicy and citrus flavor. Not too oily either. I should note also once the broth cooled and got kind of cold, it was also very refreshing in the hot weather – worth trying this way. Good stuff – 3.75 out of 5.0 stars. UPC bar code 761934016504 .

A little blurb about sunlee – they make rice too

Had no idea that there was ‘Bangkok Pop’ as well

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Filed under * Price $0.01 - $1.00, * Stars 3.1-4.0, Seafood, Sunlee, Thailand

#812: Master Kong/康师傅 Spicy Beef

Spicy beef! This was sent by Bo H. of China! Thanks again! These have all been a lot of fun and quite good! Let’s see how Master Kong’s Spicy Beef goes.

The back of the package. Looks like they grow big peppers in china.

The block broke but not too badly.

Powdered base.

A decent amount of powder – tasty!

Seasoned oil.

Has a beefish smell.

The veggie packet – more of an herb packet it looks like.

I think the red pieces are chillies. Not sure about the other bits.

Finished. I added some onions, broccoli and re bell pepper, a slice of processed cheese, a fried egg and some of that awesome Dua Belibis hot sauce. The noodles are good – they suck up a lot of liquid and are tasty to boot. The broth is nice too – had a spicy and sweet taste to it and the beef flavor is very good. I like this a lot – 3.75 out of 5.0 stars. UPC bar code 6903252061024 .

Yes! Awesome commercial!

This is awesome – these guys aren’t screwing around with these noodles!

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Filed under * Stars 3.1-4.0, Beef, China, Master Kong / Tingyi

#662: Daikoku Shokuh Kitsune Udon

Here’s another Japanese bowl I got at Uwajimaya. The one yesterday was so good, I thought a kitsune udon bowl would be nice today.

Here’s the little sticker on the bottom of the bowl.

One single seasoning packet – pretty common with the Japanese bowls I’ve tried as of late.

Here’s everything awaiting the water. Fried tofu!!!

Finished. I added a fried egg with a dash or two of pepper, some kizami shoga (pickled ginger), some Ajishima Kimchi Furikake, some fried shallot and a little bok choy and sushinori (seaweed). The noodle were broad and full of flavor from the broth. Not very chewy but not soggy or spongy. The broth is sweet and salty and quite enjoyable. The udon is nice and sweet as well and delicious. Everything is quite nice here. 4.25 out of 5.0 stars. UPc barcode 4904511604046 .

Here’s a Cooking With Dog where they make Omurice. Omurice is well known amnong ramen junkies as it appears notably in the film Tampopo.

Here’s the scene from Tampopo.

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Filed under * Price $2.01 - $3.00, * Stars 4.1-5.0, Daikoku, Japan, Other