Tag Archives: peppers

A New Thai Chili Sauce From Apinya Thai Food Co.!


I saw something about a Thai chili sauce mentioned on my favorite hot sauce group on facebook recently. It got me wondering if it would be something that could be an alternative to the standard big bottle of Sriracha that I usually go for. I tracked down the company and asked if they could possibly send a sample – a few days later, it arrived!

First off, the bottle is interesting – it has a little flip up spout like you would find on a shampoo bottle – but its similarieties to shampoo immediately halt on a dime right there. This stuff is excellent! First off, the second ingredient after peppers is ginger, which I’m sure those who have followed this blog for a while will know by now that I’m a big fan of ginger.


This tastes like nothing I’ve had before and I think it’s a real winner! It has a flavor that I wouldn’t expect to be coming out of Virginia, USA either! Wow! I’ll be trying it on a bowl of noodles very soon – possibly one of the ones from Australia (one of the packs is made in Thailand for the Australian company, so it would definitely be fitting)! Thank you to the kind people at Apinya for sending along a bottle! Check out their website at www.apinya.co!


Filed under * News

#346: Paldo Bowl Noodle Soup Spicy Artificial Chicken Flavor

So I’ve reviewed a lot of bowl noodles. I’m confused as to how Paldo, Samyang and Nong Shim all have them and they’re all called bowl noodle. Spicy chicken is pretty common – let’s see how this is.

Two packets – powder on left, veggies on right.

Always like that rich color contrast.

Okay so I added a couple fried eggs. That stuff on top? I made hot sauce yesterday! Click here to see what it was made out of and here to see the making of post on  my other blog, FooFooMayo. So this was pretty good – nothing super special but I enjoyed it for breakfast. 3.125 out of 5.0 stars Get it here.

One of the best short videos about noodles I’ve ever seen.

This was on PBS while I ate these noodles – looks like some good food!


Filed under * Stars 3.1-4.0, Chicken, Korea, Paldo / Korea Yakult

#218: Maruchan Yakisoba Sweet & Sour Chicken Flavor Home-Style Japanese Noodles

Sweet & sour chicken?  Is it possible that it could taste like sweet & sour chicken? We shall see…

Just like all the others before, there’s a veggie packet and a soup base powder packet.

So first off, not sweet and sour chicken. Very interesting though: the veggies hold my attention as it is probably the only time I remember pineapple being included in a veggie packet – and it works. There is also some onion and maybe a bell pepper. The noodles are pretty lackluster and the powder flavor was more sweet than sour. I’m enthused but not extremely impressed. I would be curious to see what direction something like this goes in the future. 3.0 out of 5.0 stars. Find it here..

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Filed under * Stars 2.1-3.0, Chicken, Japan, Maruchan, USA

#536: Ottogi Yeul Ramyon Hot Taste

Look at those big deadly looking red peppers! This should be interesting. Usually stuff you’d find around here domestically would be on the weak side if it had a pepper being shown. We’ll have to see if this stuff lives up to the flavor of hot taste! I’m also very curious if I like this better than Shin Ramyun. I’ve really been enjoying the Ottogi products…

Two packets – powder and veggies.  Veggies has dried red pepper. Powder has red pepper powder as second ingredient.

Mountains of each – should be spicy I would think…

So this stuff is pretty hot! My mouth is burning and my brow is sweaty. The vegetables were very nice and some little chewy bits in there. The broth was extra spicy! I liked it quite a bit. My lips are burning! Hooray! Drinking the broth has my entire face on fire now! Yup good good burn. I’m giving this one a 4.25 out of 5 stars. This is supposed to be a hot Korean noodle soup and it is exactly that. It is really decent.


Filed under * Stars 4.1-5.0, Korea, Ottogi, Vegetable