Tag Archives: ramen boggi

#827: Meet The Manufacturer: Paldo Rabokki

Rabokki huh? Ramyun and Ttebokki perhaps? Let’s check this one out!

The back of the package. I went with the second set of instructions (the lower ones)

The noodle block

Liquid packet.

Has a sweet taste to it.

The powder seasoning packet.

Our old friend, the spicy red powder!

Finished. Added some onions, red bell pepper and broccoli, some roast beef lunch meat and finally a few slices of hard boiled egg with Krazy Mixed Up Salt on top. Wow – this is very different! The noodles are good – nice amount and they are of good character and quality. The broth is a completely different experience than I’m used to. As you see in the cooking method, you cook the additions in 400cc water along with the liquid packet. Then you add the noodles and the powder packet’s contents. The broth is thick, sweet and spicy. The noodles soaked up a lot of the heat too – the veggies soaked up a lot of the sweetness. It’s awesome stuff! Now as always, I review the base products and not my additions. This is really quite neat stuff and I’m hooked – I hope this comes to the United States someday! 4.75 out of 5.0 stars! Excellent! UPC bar code 8801128509374 .

Here’s another Paldo commercial

Baek-doo-san: a metal band from Korea!

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Filed under * Meet The Manufacturer, * Stars 4.1-5.0, Korea, Other, Paldo / Korea Yakult