Tag Archives: ramen e ramen

Re- Review: emart Ramen e Ramen White Broth Noodle Soup

I reviewed this one a little while back – was review #787. Use this link to see everything about it. By the way, emart has informed me that they have a new product that just launched – should be here soon! Can’t wait to review it!

Finished (click to enlarge). Added sweet onion, green beans, processed cheese, odeng, kimchi and Urashima Sesame & Salt furikake. Still as good as I remember – good noodles, great spiciness and good mussel and veggies. 5.0 out of 5.0 stars – delicious! UPC bar code 8801045525068 – get it here.

Wow this is really awesome and inventive!

Here’s a guy’s tour of emart. I thought it was kind of funny how he complained that they didn’t have enough American food. I guess that’s what happens when you’re in a foreign country! Man, I would love to check this place out – looks amazingly fun!

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Filed under * Stars 4.1-5.0, emart, Korea, Seafood

#787: emart Ramen e Ramen White Broth Noodle Soup

Today I received a big box full of instant noodles from South Korea! These are made by emart. If you can imagine a Korean version of Walmart, you’re on the right track – these are super huge superstores over there. Anyways, a fellow from emart contacted me about reviewing this new product of theirs and of course I said yes. They sent a box with some nice hats and 8 of these 6 pakcs – yep – 48 packages of noodles! Wow!

‘Here’s what the individual packs look like. It’s called Ramen e Ramen and it’s a white broth soup. Looks to be jalapeno and seafood flavored!

Here’s the back of the package.

The noodle block – a big one.

The seasoning powder.

A lot of powder! I tasted a little and it was really spicy!

The vegetable packet.

A nice variety. Not sure if there might be some seafoodies in there too.

Hooray for new hats!

Finished. I added a couple slices of jalapeno. The noodles are nice – not too chewy and very full. The broth is great – ultra spicy (I’d say the spiciest white broth I’ve tried yet) and the veggies aren’t too shabby either. I found quite a few bits of seafood in there too – gonna go with mussel since mussels are so prominent on the package. I must say I was wondering how much I would like this stuff as they did send 48 packs of it. Happily, I can say I really love it – great stuff! 5.0 out of 5.0 stars! A wonderfully hot and tasty white broth. UPC bar code 8801045525068 – get it here.

Wow this is really awesome and inventive!

Here’s a guy’s tour of emart. I thought it was kind of funny how he complained that they didn’t have enough American food. I guess that’s what happens when you’re in a foreign country! Man, I would love to check this place out – looks amazingly fun!


Filed under * Stars 4.1-5.0, emart, Korea, Seafood

Something New From Korea To Review

A couple weeks ago, I was contacted by a fellow named Stan. He said there was a new product that a big supermarket in Korea called emart would like me to review. They’re called Ramen e Ramen White Broth Noodle Soup. Sounds cool to me!

Inside the big box: a padded envelope and a slightly smaller box.

Inside the padded envelope were two of these hats and a yellow baseball cap! Thanks!

Here’s the other box.

Eight of these 6 packs of noodles! Wow – that’s a lot of them! Thank you very much!

Here’s the baseball cap and the look of the individual packs. I’ll be reviewing this pretty quick so keep your eyes peeled! Thank you to Stan at 3mart for sending this!

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