Tag Archives: ramyon

#635: Ottogi Buckwheat Bibim Ramyon

Otay! It’s time for some cold noodles – not usually my favorite but we’ll just have to give them a try.

Rinse and stir – sounds simple enough.

Maybe it’s the 70’s Japanese hard rock I’m listening to, but this block of buckwheat noodles looks really cool.

The liquid sauce packet.

Finished. Well, I didn’t like it. The noodles were okay but a little too elastic for my texture tastes. The flavoring was spicy and a little cider-like. The whole cold thing was too much for me. Was fun to make though! 1.1 out of 5.0 stars. UPC barcode 645175550013 .

Tokyo band – Voluntary Mother Earth doing “Cheeseburger Baby”

Petalo Juglar

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Filed under * Price $1.01 - $2.00, * Stars 1.1-2.0, Korea, Other, Ottogi

#621: Ottogi Jin Ramen (Hot) Asian Style Instant Noodle Big Bowl

You like it hot? This stuff is good and it delivers some decent heat too. I’ve had the cup, the pack and now, the big bowl. Wonder if there’s a regulkar sized bowl? Hmmm…

The directions and other info panels off the sideand top of the bowl.

The single packet stands alone in all of it’s red fury.

The veggies were already in the bowl. All we need now is boiling water.

Finished. Added a couple fried eggs and some Krazy Mixed Up Salt. The noodles were good – standard Ottogi style. They weren’t really chewy per se but they stood their ground. The broth was quite spicy, as promised. The veggies plumped up nicely. All around hot and spicy fun time. 3.5 out of 5.0 stars. Haven’t seen these big ones around, but you can get the cups here and the packages here.

Here’s a commercial for it.

This lady is into a couple of my most often used seasonings – kind of a review.

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Filed under * Price $1.01 - $2.00, * Stars 3.1-4.0, Korea, Other, Ottogi

#323: Ottogi Jin Ramen (Hot) Asian Taste Instant Noodle Cup

I like how the lid has the instructions in the little pull up tab!

So here’s some Korean cup noodles from Ottogi. Haven’t had any Ottogi stuff in a while so this should be nice.

One packet of powder seasoning.

Seasoning on left, veggies on right – the veggies were in the cup already.

Added one egg. So this was pretty good. The noodles were chewy – very chewy. The veggies were nice and the broth had a light spicyness to it. Yum! 3.5 out of 5.0 stars. Find it here.

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Filed under * Stars 3.1-4.0, Korea, Other, Ottogi

#239: Ottogi Ppushu Ppushu Sweet & Sour Flavor Instant Snack

My lovely lady Kit over at http://www.supertastysnacks.com reviewed this one last night and I thought I should review it too as all it is really is a snack but it is uncooked ramen. So let’s give it a try!

A packet of flavoring. You smash up the noodle block inside the bag, open the bag, sprinkle this one top and then shake to spread the taste around.

I agree with Kit’s observations: It does taste like tomato soup and it’s spicy.. Sweet and sour? Not hardly. In fact, this tasted more like uncooked Jin Ramyun than anything. It wasn’t too bad but wasn’t anything I found to be earth shattering. Felt kind of short changed really. 1.75 out of 5.0 stars. Get it here.

Did not feel short changed on the commercial though – hell yeah they’re all about it very bizarre.

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Filed under * Stars 1.1-2.0, Korea, Other, Ottogi

#225: Ottogi Snack Ramyon

Snack ramen eh? Well let’s see what this one is like. I think it’s ‘snack’ as it only takes the 2 minutes instead of three and has only one seasoning packet. No more cramping from the tough like of thre two seasoning packets and the three minute cook time perhaps? Anyways here we go.

Single packet.

Powder and some veg.

I embellished with some egg in with the noodles, some fried shallot sprinkles and some kizami shoga. Well, a pretty good meal – tastes good; the noodles are good and the broth is tasty. Not hot but has a little spicy. Giving this one a 3.75 out of 5.0 stars – liked it. You can get the more portable cup version here.

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Filed under * Stars 3.1-4.0, Korea, Other, Ottogi