Tag Archives: renyah

#909: Indomie Mi Goreng Kriuuk Bawang

This is the final one – the last one that Meilina K. of Jakarta, Indonesia sent. These have been a lot of fun since there’s no way you can buy them here in the states! Awesome! Thanks again! So what does bawang mean? Onion. And what about kriuuk? Crunchy. Let’s try this out.

Here’s the back of the package (click to enlarge).

A big chunk of the noodle block.

Bumbu? Seasoning powder!

Looks like a decent amount.

Liquid seasonings: seasoned oil, chili sauce and sweet soy sauce.

The seasoning oil has a nice onion aroma.

The chili sauce and sweet soy sauce.

Here’s the star of the show: the crunchy bits!

Kind of look like Rice Krispies, no? Well, they definitely end their resemblance with the visual – they’re spicy, crunchy little bits of enjoyment.

Thought I’d take a shot of them all together to really show what we have. This is a lot of extra stuff to go with a block of instant noodles; Indomie’s really quite unique in this.

Finished (click to enlarge). Added sweet onion, bell pepper, carrot, broccoli, green bean, water chestnut, baby corn, some baked chicken with Lindberg-Snider Red Baron BBQ Spice, a couple fried eggs with some Krazy Mixed Up salt, Dua Beliibis chili sauce and Urashima Sesame & Salt furikake. The noodles are trademark Indomie – nice chew and good quantity. The flavor is nice – the sweet and spicy is there as well as a nice hit of onion. The kriuuk? Well, it’s crunchy and abundant – almost too much of it! Good stuff – 4.25 out of 5.0 stars. UPC bar code 089686059748 .

Indomie TV commercial

The Gong Ageng – turn up the bass and the volume – this is amazing!

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Filed under * Stars 4.1-5.0, Indomie, Indonesia, Other

#895: SuperMi Sedaaap Mi Goreng & Citrojugo Lime Juice Review

Here’s one of the last couple from Meilina K. of Jakarta, Indonesia – thanks again – mailed off your sticker yesterday! Mi Goreng – always a tasty treat! Today, I’m doing things a little differently. Not only am I reviewing these noodles but…

A few weeks ago, I received an email from a representative of Citrojugo. They make lime juice – in fact, they make a lot of lime juice! They wanted to know if I would be interested in purchasing some of their lime juiced for use with my products. I let them know I don’t make anything, I just review, but I would be happy to review their lime juice, not that I’m a lime juice expert or anything. Here’s what they sent – almost a liter of thick, cloudy lime juice concentrate. This stuff is potent! Decided to marinate a chicken breast with it, some chicken broth and Cavendar’s Greek seasoning. We’ll see how it came out further down.

Here’s the back of the noodle package (click to enlarge).

Part of the noodle block.

Here we have the crispy fried onion garnish and powder seasoning.

Crunchy stuff!

Powder seasoning.

Liquid seasonings: chili sauce and sweet soy sauce/oil mixture.

Lots of it.

I put the chicken breast in the over in a 8×8 dish with the Citrojugo lime juice, chicken broth and seasoning, covered and baked for 50 minutes. Looks pretty good to me!

Finished. Added yellow onions, green bell pepper, broccoli, hard boiled egg with Krazy Mixed Up Salt, Dua Belibis chili sauce, kizami shoga (pickled ginger) and some baked chicken marinated in Citrojugo lime juice concentrate with a little Cavender’s Greek Seasoning. The noodles are great – not too chewy, not at all soggy. The flavor of the powder and liquid give it a sweet and spicy taste that can only be described as Mi Goreng – wonderful! The crunchy fried onions are an absolute treat. These are great 5.0/5.0 stars noodles. As for the lime juice, I can’t say that I’m any form of authority on lime juice, but its really good with the chicken! I has a crisp and tasty acidity that makes the chicken taste great! Best concentrated lime juice I’ve ever had the fortune to sample. Special thanks to Jazmin at Citrojugo! UPC bar code 089686915709 .

Wow I wish they sold this stuff here! Really wish I had a SuperMi bowl and apron for when I’m making it too!

Happy Eid al-Adha! Here’s a Wikipedia link for those not familiar with this holiday.

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Filed under * Stars 4.1-5.0, Indonesia, Other, SuperMii

#779: Indomie Mi Instan Mi Goreng Kriuuk Ayam (Crispy Chicken)

Here’s another new one sent by Meilina K. of Indonesia – thanks again! This certainly is different – kriuuk? I couldn’t find a direct translation but here’s what Wikipedia said:

In 2006, Indomie launched a new variant Indomie Mi Goreng Kriuuk.. 8x. In this product, 8x means “Lebih banyak, Lebih renyah, Lebih gurih, Lebih gede” (translated: more noodles, crunchier, more delicious, larger), in three flavours: Chicken, Onion, Spicy.

Here’s the back of the package.

Here’s a chunk of the noodle block.

Here’s the powder seasoning packet.

A decent amount of it.

The liquid packets. From left to right: seasoned oil, sweet and hot chili sauce and sweet soy sauce.

Here’s all three in the same cup, ready to go!

Here’s the special pack!

This is great – a ton of neat little crunchy bits! Like little fried tasty seasoned bits of awesomeness!

Finished. Added two eggs, chicken lunch meat, veggies, some Huy Fong Sriracha sauce and some kizami shoga (pickled ginger). The noodles are your regular awesome Indomie fare – decent amount and they are easily grabbed by the seasonings. The flavor is nice – sweet, spicy and chicken flavored. The crunchy bits are insane – there are so many of them! Pretty cool and different. 3.75 out of 5.0 stars. UPC bar code 089686059717 .

Indomie commercial

Looks like a video about a restaurant that sells crispy chicken

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Filed under * Stars 3.1-4.0, Chicken, Indomie, Indonesia