Tag Archives: roc

#817: Souper Shrimp Flavor Bowl Ramen

Got this one at a grocery store in Livermore, California called Nob Hill. Pretty rare these days that I find something I haven’t tried in a grocery store!

Detail from lid.

It looks like a noodle burger!

Powdered seasonings.

Wasn’t a huge packet by any means.

Interesting – re-branded Wei Lih bowl perhaps.

Seasoned oil.

Finished. I added some veggies, a couple fried eggs, some Krazy Mixed Up Salt and some Dua Belibis chili sauce. The noodles are a little on the thin side and slightly crumbly, but not bad. The broth is very nice – in the comfort food realm I would say – a nice tasty and a little oily melange. This is pretty good stuff! 3.75 out of 5.0 stars. UPC bar code 074601025649 .

San Francisco Veggie Bean huh?

This is a video I made of our drive home from California to the Seattle area. I took a ton of short videos with my digitaol camera and when the battery died I used my cell phone. I then put them in order, added some music and titles in Live Movie Maker, sent to YouTube and used their stabilization filter. Yay!

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Filed under * Stars 3.1-4.0, Seafood, Souper Brand, Taiwan, Wei Lih

#300: Wu-Mu Steam Spinach Ramen With Onion Flavor

Okay and here we go with review #300! It’s really getting hard to find ones I haven’t sampled and reviewed yet so if anyone would like to send me some that would be really much appreciated! So here’s #300, spinach onion time!

This pack actually contains four servings. I like how the silver ones say soup bag in english and the seasoned oil says nothing in english. I also like the fact that this packaging doesn’t tell you how much water to use. I figured draining the water off was the best bet.

Kinda green going on – spinach’ll do that!

Seasoning powder and seasoned oil.

I added two fried eggs, some kizami shoga [pickled ginger] and fried shallots. I must say I am thoroughly impressed with this one – wow. The noodles are broad and the perfect texture. The seasonings are exactly what they purport to be and brilliantly done. Adding egg and ginger compliments the dish quite nice, and the shallot just makes sense. Altogether, I think this goes up there in the hallowed ranks of the almighty five stars. 5.0 out of 5.0 stars. Get it here.

To make things more awesome, here’s the commercial for this product! It’s the one all the way on the left.

Here’s another.


Filed under * Stars 4.1-5.0, China, Sing-Lin Foods Corporation, Taiwan, Vegetable, Wu-Mu