Tag Archives: six

#336: Six Fortune Instant Noodles With Soup

Here’s a Six Fortune – I think this is their flagship or ‘original’ flavor. Anyways, hope its good!


Hey its all soup base! From top going clockwise: soybean paste, powder soup base, veggies.

The all look so interesting…

Here it is with two eggs boiled with the noodles. I really liked it – it had a nice amount of ginger flavor going on. A lot of noodles in this one. All said and done, a deep and robust flavor. 3.5 out of 5.0 stars!

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Filed under * Stars 3.1-4.0, Korea, Other, Seafood, Six Fortune

#219: Six Fortune Tom Yam Instant Soup Noodle (Thai Style Sour and Chili Flavor)

Tom Yam time? Let’s do it.

Who knows how old this pack of noodles is – was got from a seedy little asian grocery on Aurora. The liquid packet was pretty much solid.

It had turned to a gritty pasty stuff.

An egg was tossed in with the noodles as the boiled. So works for me – was hot flavor and lemon flavor which is typical for tom yam instant noodles. The noodles weren’t bad. Nothing too crazy here. I’m giving it 2.75 out of 5.0 – okay stuff.

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Filed under * Stars 2.1-3.0, Korea, Seafood, Six Fortune