Tag Archives: stir

#961: Trident Chow Mein Soft Noodles

Here’s one of the packs that came from Australia! Thanks go to Melanie I. of Jannali, NSW for sending these and also thanks to Mark K. for getting her to do it! The last one was a ‘2 Minute Noodle’ while this one says they’re soft noodles. I wonder what the difference is?

Here’s the back of the pack and the answer to my above question (click image to enlarge). These get drained and then the seasonings stirred in.

The main chunk of the noodle block.

Powdered seasoning.

Not a huge amount.

Seasoned oil packet.

The oil has a light onion scent.

Finished (click image to enlarge). Added baked chicken, fried egg, stir fry veggies and some Krazy Mixed Up Salt. The noodles aren’t bad – flat and thin. The glavoring however is kind of boring; not like any chow mein instant I’ve had before. 2.75 out of 5.0 stars. UPC bar code 93101182300043

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Filed under * Stars 2.1-3.0, Australia, Other, Trident

#840: Chewy Stir Rice Vermicelli Singaporean Laksa Flavour

Here’s one that my sister brought me back from a trip to Canada earlier this year. So to recap, bought in Canada, Singaporean flavored, made in China – capiche?

Back of packaging.

An included fork!

The rice noodle whorl.

Liquid paste seasoning.

Looks interesting…


Very small bits of vegetables.

Finished. Added broccoli, red bell pepper, roast beef with some Dua Belibis chili sauce, hard boiled egg with Krazy Mixed Up Salt and some Kizami Shoga (pickled ginger). This rice noodles – kind of dry. The flavor is really nice though – a light and sweet coconut flavor permeates and ensconces. The little bits of veggies are a plus and add a nice herb layer tot the flavor. I liked this one – 3.75 out of 5.0 stars. UPC bar code 652283002839 .

Awesome old Chewy TV commercials!

The history of money – includes a lot of things about Hong Kong

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Filed under * Stars 3.1-4.0, Chewy, China, Hong Kong, Other, Singapore

#693: Chewy Stir Rice Vermicelli Indonesian Gado-Gado Flavour

Here’s another one my sister brought me back from Canada! This one piqued my interest – gado-gado? Wikipedia says:

Gado-gado (in Indonesian or Betawi language), also called Lotek (in Sundanese) for its cooked version – differed from lotek atah or karedok for its fresh and raw version of the vegetable covered with peanut sauce and pecel (Javanese language) is an Indonesian dish comprising a vegetable salad served with a peanut sauce dressing.[1] It is thought to have originally been a Sundanese dish. It is widely served from hawkers carts, stalls (warung) as well as in restaurants and hotel both in Indonesia and worldwide.

Gado-gado is part of a wide range of Indonesian dressing & salad combinations, along with lotek, pecel and karedok. In many places, to retain authenticity in both the production and flavor, the peanut sauce is made in individual batches, in front of the customers. However, since the dish has gained popularity (because of the increase of Asian-themed restaurants) Gado-gado sauce is now mostly made ahead of time and cooked in bulk, although this is probably more common in Western restaurants rather than in Indonesia. Compared to Western and Indonesian salads, Gado-gado has much more sauce in it. Instead of being used as a light dressing, the vegetables should be well coated in the sauce.

With that being understood, it sounds almost slightly like a pad thai variation when mixed with noodles. Well, we’ll see!

Here’s the back of the packaging.

This is an interesting noodle block; more like a rounded and spun rice vermicelli toupee!

Ah! Hello my little four tined friend!

Here’s the paste packet.

Has a very nice odor – got a smidge on the old finger so tried it – yup – peanut butter!

No labelling on this one – what could it be?

Found it on the back – this is a vinegar-based liquid seasoning.

Here’s the vegetable sachet!

Here’s the veggies – looks like a nice amount.

Finished. Added some kizami shoga (pickled ginger), fried shallots, two eggs and a little Krazy Mixed Up Salt. Well, the noodles aren’t bad – they don’t clump too badly for rice noodles. The flavor? Very bland. The peanut sauce is a slight hint and unfortunately the veggies weren’t great either. Had high hopes for this one but uh-uh. 2.25 out of 5.0 stars. UPC barcode 652283002846 .

Chewy commercials!

Awesome video on making homemade gado-gado – it pauses for a second but it fixes itself.



Filed under * Stars 2.1-3.0, Chewy, China, Other

#344: Paldo Stirfried Kimchi Noodles

So haven’t seen this one before so I snagged it today. Its a little hefty actually and seemed much bigger than most packages…

Top packet is dry powder soup base and the bottom is stir fried kimchi! It was amazing!

Look at that craziness! Wow! Smelled really good!

Added a couple of fried eggs. Pretty good stuff! Chewy noodles, spicy broth and yeah – kimchi! I liked it. 3.75 out of 5.0 stars. Get some here.

Paldo commercial yielded this on YouTube…

Stevie Wonder & TONTO – very very cool footage. Watch & learn!

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Filed under * Stars 3.1-4.0, Korea, Other, Paldo / Korea Yakult