Tag Archives: sweet

#952: Pot Noodle Sweet & Spicy Flavour

Here’s another one from Joe & Gill of the UK! Thanks again! Sweet & spicy… I have had quite a few Pot Noodles and recently I had a sweet and sour variety. Curious how this one tastes. Well, let’s check it out!

Here’s the detail of the side panels (click image to enlarge).

Where are the noodles you say? Well, Pot Noodle is much different from what you would find here in the States. The noodles are underneath all of the powder, which is mostly wheat flour. The usual broth you would expect in a cup of noodles is more of a sauce or gravy here.

Pot noodles usually come with a single packet such as you see here (front and back). Make the noodles, add some sauce.

Finished (click image to enlarge. Added onions, stir-fry vegetables, light ham and Urashima Sesame & Salt furikake. The noodles are your standard Pot Noodle fare; broad and flat with a crumbliness and slight chew. The sauce has a nice taste to it – sweet with a very light spicy factor. The mango sauce has a nice taste – very sweet and a little tanginess. I liked this one – 3.5 out of 5.0 stars.UPC bar code 5000118203527

Pot Noodle has a contest – you can win a spinning fork! I really want to review one of these things so if anyone ever wants to make me really happy, send me one!

Yeah I wish we had stuff like this over here…

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Filed under * Stars 3.1-4.0, England, Other, Pot Noodle

#939: Pot Noodle Sweet & Sour Flavour

Here’s the first of many reviews of instant noodles that were donated by Joe & Gill of the UK! Thank you again! It’s been a while since I’ve reviewed a Pot Noodle. Generally they’re impossible to find in the United States – which surprises me since I think they’d do really well here. Anyways, Let’s check out the sweet and sourness!

Here are the side panels – click image to enlarge.

You’re probably wondering “what is that?” Well, a Pot Noodle is different from a Cup Noodle. The main difference is that instead of a broth is has more of a sauce. The large amount of powder is mainly wheat flour that will turn into the sauce.  Underneath lies the noodle block.

They usually include a little sauce p[acket that goes well with the motif of the cup. It sounds pretty good, too!

Finished (click image to enlarge). Added sweet onion, turkey breast lunch meat and Urashima Sesame & Salt furikake. Wow – for something so downed on in Red Dwarf, this is pretty decent! The noodles are broad and flat with a slightly crumbly texture. The sauce is a thick sweet and sour kind of thing – has a nice taste to it. The little sauce packet was kind of odd – had an almost puckery acidity to it – not what I think many would think of when they think sweet and sour sauce like one would find in Chinese take-out. All in all an interesting melange of flavor. 3.75 out of 5.0 stars – possibly my favorite Pot Noodle thus far! UPC bar code 5000118203610 .

Pot Noodle commercials are always really funny

Someone made this video on cooking Pot Noodles…

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Filed under England, Other, Pot Noodle

#827: Meet The Manufacturer: Paldo Rabokki

Rabokki huh? Ramyun and Ttebokki perhaps? Let’s check this one out!

The back of the package. I went with the second set of instructions (the lower ones)

The noodle block

Liquid packet.

Has a sweet taste to it.

The powder seasoning packet.

Our old friend, the spicy red powder!

Finished. Added some onions, red bell pepper and broccoli, some roast beef lunch meat and finally a few slices of hard boiled egg with Krazy Mixed Up Salt on top. Wow – this is very different! The noodles are good – nice amount and they are of good character and quality. The broth is a completely different experience than I’m used to. As you see in the cooking method, you cook the additions in 400cc water along with the liquid packet. Then you add the noodles and the powder packet’s contents. The broth is thick, sweet and spicy. The noodles soaked up a lot of the heat too – the veggies soaked up a lot of the sweetness. It’s awesome stuff! Now as always, I review the base products and not my additions. This is really quite neat stuff and I’m hooked – I hope this comes to the United States someday! 4.75 out of 5.0 stars! Excellent! UPC bar code 8801128509374 .

Here’s another Paldo commercial

Baek-doo-san: a metal band from Korea!

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Filed under * Meet The Manufacturer, * Stars 4.1-5.0, Korea, Other, Paldo / Korea Yakult

#671: Mug Shot Noodles Spicy Sweet & Sour Flavour

Here’s the next to last of the noodles sent by Cindy C. of England! Basically, a cup (or a pot) noodle where you supply your own cup (or mug). Shall we check it out?

Here’s the back

Here’s the contents of the packet in a mug.

My wife got this mug long before we ever met. She said she got it at the gift shop… I wonder…

Finished. This is decent – the noodles are a little nicer than the ones in the Pot Noodles; more pliable and less gritty by far. The broth is nice too – a nice sweet and sour taste complimented with bits of veggies here and there. Very different from what we’ve got over here. 3.0 out of 5.0 stars. UPC barcode 50211476000832.

Nice crowd…

Short documentary about Eastern State Penitentiary

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Filed under * Stars 2.1-3.0, England, Mug Shots, Other

#634: Baijia Sichuan Hot Pot Flavor Instant Sweet Potato Thread

This one was sent by Michelle L. of New York! Unfortunately, for this one I have exceedingly low expectations. Every Baijia product I’ve tried has been just plain gross in my opinion.

The side panels.

Hey – a fork!

Thick liquid seasoning starting on left, powder seasoning in the middle and finally beans on the right.

Otis Pug and Daisy Pug are out cold…

So they cannot be held responsible for that vile looking thing.

Finished. While this was pretty horrible, it wasn’t as horrible as I expected. First, the noodles were not too bad themselves; they weren’t as clumpy as usual. The broth was all but gone and the bean things were as funky and odd as always. The problem as with all of the Baijia products I’ve tried thus far was the flavor. First, it’s spicy – nothing wrong with that, but it’s like a ridiculously strong black pepper kind of spicy. Also, it’s very salty  too. All in all, I felt a little funky after eating a couple of bites – I deem this non-palatable. 0.5 out of 5.0 stars. UPC barcode 6926410321341 – get the pack version here.

That’s more like it!

Yeah that’s a lot of saice!


Filed under * Price $1.01 - $2.00, * Stars 0-1.0, Baijia, China, Other