Tag Archives: sweet

#611: Batchelors Super Noodles Low Fat Sweet Thai Chili Flavour

This is the last of the Super Noodles sent by Cindy C. of England. Thanks again!

So today is my wife and I’s second anniversary. No, not a wedding anniversary – we got married in July. This is our two year ‘Click-I-Versary.” You see, we met on an online dating website! Two years ago today she clicked a button on my profile and let me know she liked me. I did the same. The chatted online for a little bit and then called and talked to eachother for many hours – the rest is history! I can honestly say I’ve never been happier in my life. Love you, Kitten!

Here’s the back of the packaging…

The single, shiny packet…

The contents smelled really good!

As I said above, Kit & I were married in July. I made a great batch of hot sauce for wedding souvenirs!

The finished product. Added a two-egg omelet with Pup & Kit’s Burning Love hot sauce and a few dashes of Krazy Mixed Up Salt. It’s kind of a bummer; I thought I was saving the best for last but as far as this stuff went, the seasoning’s great odor ended there. The stuff was so bland! Weird. 2.0 out of 5.0 stars. The hot sauce filled omelet was good at least. I got a text from Kit on Christmas morning on 2009 asking if I would like to fly down to California to meet for the first time and spend New Year’s with her. Saying yes was the best decision I ever made. You can get the noodles here.

Saucy noodles eh? Wouldn’t kind trying it with some fish fingers!



Filed under * Stars 1.1-2.0, Batchelors, England, Other

#597: Batchelors Super Noodles Sweet & Sour Flavour

Thought I’d do some more of this stuff today. I was expecting a package but there was a FedEx delivery exception and so I’ll have to wait til Monday most likely. So, here’s something weird – sweet and sour noodles? Yep. Let’s do this.

Here’s the back panels of the packet… If you’re wondering, no – there was no cash in the packet.

Thought I’d include a pic of the noodle block on this one. It seems a little more dense than many.

A single seasoning packet. Here’s the front and back.

Here’s the powder itself. Looks pretty harmless.

Here’s the finished product. Pretty good stuff – the noodles bulk up nicely and have an almost buttery taste. The seasoning lent a little bit of a sweet and sour flavor but it was very light. I definitely wanted more flavor. Not bad though – 3.5 out of 5.0 stars. Can’t seem to find this flavor online but I did find the bacon flavor, and if you eat it you’ll be burping up bacon flavor for days – check it out here.

Rad commercial

This is so awesome!!!


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Filed under * Stars 3.1-4.0, Batchelors, England, Other

#362: Vina Acecook Daily Instant Noodles Mi Canh Chua Hot & Sour With Shrimp

So here’s another of Vina Acecook’s line of ‘Daily’ instant noodles, hot & sour with shrimp. Sounds good to me; the picture on the front is definitely enticing…

Four packets – that’s always nice. Here we have [clockwise from top left] soup paste, powdered soup base, seasoned oil and veggies as well as dehydrated shrimp.

Clockwise from top: veggies ‘n shrimp, seasoned oil, soup powder, liquid soup paste.

So I added a couple of fried eggs, some fried shallot, a little kizami shoga (ginger you’d find in yakisoba) and a little pepper on the eggs. This is one of the better bowls of noodles I’ve had in quite some time. I become quite fond of how Vina Acecook blends its veggies – there’s always some nice sweet basil in there and it really comes through in the flavor of the broth. The noodles were pre-seasoned and so the sesame oil-esque flavor is easily detected in this soup. The noodles themselves are light and plentiful – not chewy but not spongy. The vegetables really boost on re-hydration which is nice. There was a little hot and a little sour; kind of like Tom Yum soup but much lighter. The eggs and other flavors on top made it absolutely perfect. 4.5 out of 5.0 stars for this one! Find it here.

I like how colorful the Vina Acecook commercials are.

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Filed under * Stars 4.1-5.0, Seafood, Vietnam, Vina Acecook / Acecook

#277: Vina Acecook Oh Ricey Instant Phở bò Rice Noodles Soup Beef Flavour

Here’s the last of the Vina Acecook stuff I got from HT Oaktree Market a few weeks ago (sniff). Overall, I’ve been really really pleased with the Vina Acecook line and hope to sample more very soon! So here’s the beef Pho…

Clockwise from top – powder soup base, veggies, flavored oil.

Set it all on top of the noodle brick in the bowl, put 400cc of water in with it and cover for a few minutes. Actually, I’ve been using a record lately – a 12″ maxi single of Tower of Power’s “Lovin’ You Is Gonna See Me Thru” – part of the Columbia Disco Seroes… It even says demo – not for sale! But it serves well to cover my noodles.

Final product. So we’ll start with the broth. The broth is probably the most important thing here; it’s what Pho is really all about. I’m quite pleased with this broth actually – it has a slight sweet basil taste and some beef hints and is rather complex. It isn’t as good as the local Pho, but it’s not too shabby. The rice noodles are great – they’re separate and tasty. There are also little bits of fake beef! I love crap like that. So all in all, a really decent thing to be beheld. I give it 4.0 out of 5.0 stars! Get it here.


Filed under * Stars 3.1-4.0, Beef, Vietnam, Vina Acecook / Acecook

#218: Maruchan Yakisoba Sweet & Sour Chicken Flavor Home-Style Japanese Noodles

Sweet & sour chicken?  Is it possible that it could taste like sweet & sour chicken? We shall see…

Just like all the others before, there’s a veggie packet and a soup base powder packet.

So first off, not sweet and sour chicken. Very interesting though: the veggies hold my attention as it is probably the only time I remember pineapple being included in a veggie packet – and it works. There is also some onion and maybe a bell pepper. The noodles are pretty lackluster and the powder flavor was more sweet than sour. I’m enthused but not extremely impressed. I would be curious to see what direction something like this goes in the future. 3.0 out of 5.0 stars. Find it here..

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Filed under * Stars 2.1-3.0, Chicken, Japan, Maruchan, USA