Tag Archives: taiwanese

#817: Souper Shrimp Flavor Bowl Ramen

Got this one at a grocery store in Livermore, California called Nob Hill. Pretty rare these days that I find something I haven’t tried in a grocery store!

Detail from lid.

It looks like a noodle burger!

Powdered seasonings.

Wasn’t a huge packet by any means.

Interesting – re-branded Wei Lih bowl perhaps.

Seasoned oil.

Finished. I added some veggies, a couple fried eggs, some Krazy Mixed Up Salt and some Dua Belibis chili sauce. The noodles are a little on the thin side and slightly crumbly, but not bad. The broth is very nice – in the comfort food realm I would say – a nice tasty and a little oily melange. This is pretty good stuff! 3.75 out of 5.0 stars. UPC bar code 074601025649 .

San Francisco Veggie Bean huh?

This is a video I made of our drive home from California to the Seattle area. I took a ton of short videos with my digitaol camera and when the battery died I used my cell phone. I then put them in order, added some music and titles in Live Movie Maker, sent to YouTube and used their stabilization filter. Yay!

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Filed under * Stars 3.1-4.0, Seafood, Souper Brand, Taiwan, Wei Lih

#762: Long Kow Kimchi Pickles Bean Vermicelli

Here’s one Greg B. from Florida sent a while back. This sounds pretty interesting – let’s give it a try.

Not usually a fan of bean thread but this looks interesting; lots of different ingredients.

Here’s the block of bean thread.

The seasoning packet.

One trippy amalgam of ingredients…

Finished. This is just one of those I don’t like. The bean thread is the main problem here; it’s bean thread. Hard to eat, kind of slimy… Just not something I find satisfying at all. The broth on the other hand is very interesting – it has a fascinating tang and heat to it I liked. Then there’s the veggies – they’re wonderful! Lots of them and the re-hydrate very nicely. Yeah so this is a bummer; any kind of noodle other than bean thread would’ve worked. 1.5 out of 5.0 stars. UPC bar code 4710734002978 .

Wow these guys are stoked – not sure what they’re saying here.

Looks like a Long Kow commercial

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Filed under * Stars 1.1-2.0, Long Kow, Taiwan, Uncategorized, Vegetable

#741: Wei Lih Good Good Eat Super Ramen Vegetable Flavor

Here’s another one from Michelle L. of Tarrytown, New York. I think this is the third and final flavor of the Good Good Eats – at least insofar as I’ve not seen any more anywhere. Let’s give it a try!

Here’s the back of the packaging. Gotta love the lack of instructions! I’m going to go with 400cc of boiling water.

The noodle block.

Powdered seaoning.

Looks kinda sparkly!

Paste soup base.

Yep – this is a thick soup paste!

Finished. Added a little bit of my veggie mix and a little Fresno pepper, some pickled ginger and some Ajishima Kimchi furikake. The noodles came out wonderfully – a nice level of firmness and the paste had oil in it which made them a little greasy but enjoyably so. The broth and all around flavor wasn’t the best. It has a kind of wilted vegetable flavor – like mushroom and mushy celery. Kind of surprised me while looking at the ingredients. This is a weird one; love the noodles, really dislike the flavor. 2.75 out of 5.0 stars. UPC bar code 074410727895 .

I really want to learn how to do this some day!

Taiwanese Pop music compilation from 1979 to 1990


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Filed under * Price $0.01 - $1.00, * Stars 2.1-3.0, Taiwan, Vegetable, Wei Lih

#708: Wu-Mu Pork Flavor Ramen Mi Thit Bam

Got this on our recent trip to California at a 99 Ranch down there. I rememebr enjoying the beef one I got the time before in California during our honeymoon, so figured it’d be a good idea to give this one a try!

The package back. Notice the directions – they don’t say how much boiling water – except in the microwave part. Actually, if you look at the Chinese, you can see the number 550 in there. Sometimes there are packs or cups with nothing in English and those numbers can be really helpful. Single digits like 3 or 4 can be minutes of cooking. 550 would usually be the amount of water in mL or cc.

These looks to be the standard steamed noodles that Wu-My likes to use.

Hey – get your grubby mitts offa my sauce bag! Actually, this contains dry seasonings.

See? Not real saucy. Dry soup base and veggies.

Here’s some seasoned oil.

Pretty standard seasoned oil.

Finished. I scrambled an egg with a little Kikkoman Soy Sauce, added some turkey breast, some store brand stir fry veggies and a little Ajishima Kim Chi furikake. The noodles were a big letdown here. Very chewy – overly so. They also didn’t take on the flavor of the broth. The broth was pretty lackluster as well. A surprise since the beef ramen they make was so good! Well, there’s one more variety to try they make in this line so I’ll have to give that one a shot. Most of their products are really good but not a fan of this one, sad to say. 2.75 out of 5.0 stars. UPC barcode 673367040448 .

Taiwanese pork noodles video

Taiwanese tourism video


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Filed under * Price $0.01 - $1.00, * Stars 2.1-3.0, Pork, Sing-Lin Foods Corporation, Taiwan, Wu-Mu

#666: Lishan Food Mfg Co. Ltd. Chinese Instant Noodle

This has to be one of the strangest instant noodles I’ve seen. No instructions. Strange packets. Here we go with #666!

Here’s the little ingredients list – on the front.

Here’s the back of the packaging.

The noodle pack: strange and ominous.

Okay this is weird. A small packet of powder seasoning on the right year, but on the left, a clear, unsealed plastic cellophane packet with… I’m going with green onions and black pepper but it sure looks suspect.

No instructions… Okay so let’s go with 350cc of boiling water and steep it.

Tossed a fried egg on top. Okay so the noodles are strange; not very thick and kind of stringy. Not a big fan. The broth is tasty but kind of ‘off.’ Has a bit of an industrial taste to it. The veggies kind of float here and there and taste a littrle weird. I dunno – it’s interesting, but not great. 1.5 out of 5.0 stars. UPC barcode 4712275000017 .

The Patron Saint of Sandwiches

Not in this stuff – doesn’t look all that pretty…


Filed under * Price $0.01 - $1.00, * Stars 1.1-2.0, Chicken, Lishan Food Mfg. Co. Ltd., Taiwan