Tag Archives: tasty

Re-Review: Nongshim Jinjja Jinjja (Really Really) Ramyun

You’re probably wonder ‘gee, he sure reviews that Jinjja Jinjja quite a lot – what gives?’ Well, they sent me a lot of it and since I really like it, I want to enjoy it before it expires. Well, actually it expired in September, but I’m just about out of it. Here’s the last full review of it.

Finished (click image to enlarge). Added a slice of processed cheese, a little peanut butter, kimchi and Urashima Sesame & Salt furikake. Peanut butter – good stuff! Still calling it a 5.0 – great stuff! UPC bar code 8801043017916 – get it here.

This guy is brave – he’s pounding this stuff down!

Here’s both of the guys in the same commercial!

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Filed under * Stars 4.1-5.0, Korea, Nong Shim, Pork

Re- Review: emart Ramen e Ramen White Broth Noodle Soup

I reviewed this one a little while back – was review #787. Use this link to see everything about it. By the way, emart has informed me that they have a new product that just launched – should be here soon! Can’t wait to review it!

Finished (click to enlarge). Added sweet onion, green beans, processed cheese, odeng, kimchi and Urashima Sesame & Salt furikake. Still as good as I remember – good noodles, great spiciness and good mussel and veggies. 5.0 out of 5.0 stars – delicious! UPC bar code 8801045525068 – get it here.

Wow this is really awesome and inventive!

Here’s a guy’s tour of emart. I thought it was kind of funny how he complained that they didn’t have enough American food. I guess that’s what happens when you’re in a foreign country! Man, I would love to check this place out – looks amazingly fun!

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Filed under * Stars 4.1-5.0, emart, Korea, Seafood

#868: CJ (CheilJedang) Katsuobushi Udon

This one was donated by Ramen Place – thanks again! I haven’t a clue of how this one will be. Looks like its celebrating the 10th anniversary of CheilJedang or this product. Well, let’s give it a try!

Here’s the export sticker (click to enlarge).

Here are the side panels. It looks like you add hot water, then either microwave for four minutes if you have a 700 watt microwave or for two minutes if you’ve got a 1000+ watt microwave (click to enlarge).

The fresh udon noodles.

Liquid base.

Dark stuff!

The veggies and bits.

Looks like a nice melange…

Finished. Added some kizami shoga (pickled ginger), kamaboko, hard boiled egg and Krazy Mixed Up Salt. The udon is chewy and good. Pretty standard fresh udon. The broth is sweet and has a nice taste I have found in Japanese tempura soba bowls before. A nice tempura taste. The veggies re-hydrated nicely. good stuff! 3.75 out of 5.0 stars. UPC bar code 8801007009377 – find it here.

KPop stars (including PSY) in a CJ TV commercial.


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Filed under * Stars 3.1-4.0, CJ CheilJedang, Korea, Seafood

#827: Meet The Manufacturer: Paldo Rabokki

Rabokki huh? Ramyun and Ttebokki perhaps? Let’s check this one out!

The back of the package. I went with the second set of instructions (the lower ones)

The noodle block

Liquid packet.

Has a sweet taste to it.

The powder seasoning packet.

Our old friend, the spicy red powder!

Finished. Added some onions, red bell pepper and broccoli, some roast beef lunch meat and finally a few slices of hard boiled egg with Krazy Mixed Up Salt on top. Wow – this is very different! The noodles are good – nice amount and they are of good character and quality. The broth is a completely different experience than I’m used to. As you see in the cooking method, you cook the additions in 400cc water along with the liquid packet. Then you add the noodles and the powder packet’s contents. The broth is thick, sweet and spicy. The noodles soaked up a lot of the heat too – the veggies soaked up a lot of the sweetness. It’s awesome stuff! Now as always, I review the base products and not my additions. This is really quite neat stuff and I’m hooked – I hope this comes to the United States someday! 4.75 out of 5.0 stars! Excellent! UPC bar code 8801128509374 .

Here’s another Paldo commercial

Baek-doo-san: a metal band from Korea!

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Filed under * Meet The Manufacturer, * Stars 4.1-5.0, Korea, Other, Paldo / Korea Yakult

Special: Nongshim Jinjja Jinjja + Peanut Butter, Kimchi & BACON!!!

Good news and bad news. Bad news: no reviews for about a week (we’re going on vacation). The good news: I will leave you with the first ever bacon monstrosity!

Since Jinjja Jinjja has a pork base, I thought that it would be a great match for bacon!

If you would like to see my last review of Jinjja Jinjja, check it out here. With that, let’s get things going!

I’ve been wanting to do this for a while now and last week, got some butcher block bacon at a local grocery store. Well, you know how bacon is cured and pretty much will stay fine in the fridge forever? Yeah – a single week and it was green. Crapulent. Our vacation begins with a 14+ hour drive and so we’re trying to get to bed early. Well, some bum decided to do all of their laundry, pushing our scheduled crashout time up at least an hour. As a result, we went to a different grocery store and got some new bacon. Kimchi’s a no-brainer here as It’s perfect with South Korean ramyun. The cheese is great too. But the peanut butter will be a new one for me – people have mentioned it many times before. Again, Jinjja Jinjja seemed a good fit with the peanut powder packet.

Whoa. Okay so I added a huge spoonful of peanut butter and used less water than is called for (to keep it spicy). Two slices of cheese, a good amount of kimchi and of course, the bacon. The peanut butter coats everything really well and I liked that a lot. I think if you’ve not tried bacon and peanut butter in your noodles, go out on a limb and give it a try – hey it’s good! Bacon for the win! See you in a week!

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Filed under * News, Korea, Nong Shim, Pork, USA