Tag Archives: bowl noodle soup

#893: Paldo Bowl Noodle Soup Shrimp Flavor

I’d thought I’d had everyone’s bowl noodles by now but lo and behold, a shrimp flavor by Paldo. So let’s give it a try!

Detail from the lid.

The noodle block.

Seasoning powder packet.

Lots of seasoning powder!

Here’s the veggies in the bottom of the bowl.

Finished. Added a two egg omelette, odeng, green bell pepper, yellow onion, broccoli, Huy Fong Sriracha chili sauce and some Krazy Mixed Up Salt – and a slice of processed cheese. The noodles aren’t bad – a slight bitt spongy. The broth has a seafood taste – a shrimp flavor is in there. Not overly salty either and a hint of spiciness. The veggies are okay and the little shrimp bits are great! A good lunch although wuold’ve like a little more from this bowl. 3.25 out of 5.0 stars.UPC bar code 648436100019 – get it here.

A video about Paldo.

Korean tourism video

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Filed under * Stars 3.1-4.0, Korea, Paldo / Korea Yakult, Seafood

#806: Ohsung Hot & Spicy Bowl Noodle Soup With Soy Peptide

Here’s one the folks at Ramen Place sent a while back. Sounded good today to have somethin’ spicy! Soy peptide eh? Here’s some info. Let’s see how it goes.

Here’s the side panel info.

The noodle block.

The seasoning packet.

Spicy stuff!

The bowl contained some veggies at the bottom – here’s a couple of them.

Finished. Added some veggies, processed cheese, fish cakes, kimchi and Texas Pete hot sauce. The noodles were a bit thinner than I expected and slightly spongy. Not too bad but better can be found. The broth was nice – had a nice spiciness to it and a decent flavor too. The veggies were skimpy but not bad.  Not bad! 3.5 out of 5.0 stars. UPC bar code 846034014039 – get it here.

My son abhors eggs – I think this will cause him to come over to the egg side.

I have got to try this stuff…

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Filed under * Price $1.01 - $2.00, * Stars 3.1-4.0, Korea, Ohsung, Other

#799: Nongshim Bowl Noodle Soup Savory Chicken Flavor

Today Andy wanted to try something new. Knowing he’s a little timid of things that are too far off the map, I went with this. I’m pretty sure he’ll like it.

The side panels from the outer cardboard shell.

The lid.

The noodle block awaits its time of duty.

The lone seasoning packet.

Some tasty powder!

Peas and corn were present in the bottom of the bowl – this was just a couple bits and pieces.

Finished. Added one slice of cheese with a pinch of Krazy Mixed Up Salt. The broth is awesome – a really great chicken flavor. The noodles are perfect – a nice almost buttery flavor. The veggies weren’t bad either – surprised to see as many as I did. All in all, a really good chicken flavor bowl! 4.25 out of 5.0 stars! UPC bar code 031146007622 – get it here.

This is one odd noodle commercial!

Looks like a behind the scenes and then a commercial – these are really common from what I’ve seen.

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Filed under * Stars 4.1-5.0, Chicken, Korea, Nong Shim, USA

#772: Nongshim Bowl Noodle Soup Hot & Spicy Beef Flavor (New Version)

I’m pretty jazzed – got a couple things this last trip to the Asian grocery and going to try one of them today. Here’s another one of the new version Nongshim Bowl Noodle varieties.

Here’s some info on the sides of the cardboard. It’s funny; I just thought it was spicy flavor until I looked closer and saw it was hot & spicy beef.

Here’s the lid.

The noodle block.

The seasoning packet.

Red spicy powder!

Here’s a couple little bits and piece of the veggies that were in the bottom of the bowl – this was just some, not all.

Finished. Added some kimchi, some processed cheese, a little beef lunch meat, some of the Daesang Gochujang that the ladyt who wrote the JoongAng Ilbo article sent, a little Tabasco Buffalo Style hot sauce and a sprinkle of Ajishima Kimchi furikake. Again, my reviews are done right when the noodles are done – not after everything is added. The noodles are nice – a warm and relaxing noodle that is firm but reliably soft enough to not bve annoying. The broth has a great spiciness to it – a little different than I remember before – definitely a chili powder and cumin flavor going on here. The veggies were a little hard to find but what I did find was decent. All in all, not bad. 3.5 out of 5.0 stars. As for the additions: I really like kimchi and really wish I had gotten some sooner! It crunchy, spicy and good stuff! I didn’t know that the jars were under pressure; exploding kimchi! The Gochujang was not what I expected; it’s really tasty! I’ve seen these enormous angry red tubs at the Korean supermarkets around here and always wondered what the stuff was. I can say that after I’ve gone through all of the tubes that were sent to me, I’ll be most definitely going to continue enjoying this stuff. UPC bar code 031146250103 – get it here.

Pretty funny – chugging spicy bowl noodles!

This is rad!

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Filed under Beef, Korea, Nong Shim, USA