Tag Archives: garlic

A New Thai Chili Sauce From Apinya Thai Food Co.!


I saw something about a Thai chili sauce mentioned on my favorite hot sauce group on facebook recently. It got me wondering if it would be something that could be an alternative to the standard big bottle of Sriracha that I usually go for. I tracked down the company and asked if they could possibly send a sample – a few days later, it arrived!

First off, the bottle is interesting – it has a little flip up spout like you would find on a shampoo bottle – but its similarieties to shampoo immediately halt on a dime right there. This stuff is excellent! First off, the second ingredient after peppers is ginger, which I’m sure those who have followed this blog for a while will know by now that I’m a big fan of ginger.


This tastes like nothing I’ve had before and I think it’s a real winner! It has a flavor that I wouldn’t expect to be coming out of Virginia, USA either! Wow! I’ll be trying it on a bowl of noodles very soon – possibly one of the ones from Australia (one of the packs is made in Thailand for the Australian company, so it would definitely be fitting)! Thank you to the kind people at Apinya for sending along a bottle! Check out their website at www.apinya.co!


Filed under * News

Recipe: Spicy Mi Goreng Ramyun

Ok so what is this madness I speak of? Well, in Indonesia, there’s Mi Goreng which are fried noodles. I thought since my last recipe got a write up today in Fox News Magazine ( link), maybe I should get a pack and experiment. I thought since Indonesian instant noodles are my all time faves and I really really enjoy Korean ramyun, why not try a mash-up?

Spicy Mi Goreng Ramyun


  • 1 Package Nongshim Shin Ramyun instant noodles
  • 3/4 cup Kimchi
  • 1/2 a small sweet onion
  • 5 sliced mushrooms
  • 2 Tbsp minced garlic
  • Olive oil cooking spray


Open the pack of Shin Ramyun. Take out the veggie pack and noodle block. Place in a pot with half of your onion an add 2 cups water my onions were frozen -alternatively,  you could add the onion in the next step . Set seasoning powder packet aside for now. Put on medium heat until boiling. Let boil for two minutes.

While you wait on the noodles, spray a nice large skillet with cooking spray. Add garlic, kimchi and mushrooms. Saute.

Drain the noodles and return to the pot. Use a pair of kitchen scissors and cut the noodles a few times (this will prevent clumping when fried). Add half of the packet of powder seasoning and stir.

Add the noodles to the skillet and cook at high temperature stirring constantly. Keep it moving or it will burn! It’s done when everything look like…

…this (click image to enlarge)!!! My thoughts: I was hoping that the noodles would have crisped a little more. I think the key is less time in the pot. Cooking the noodles ‘al dente’ is what works in the grilled cheese recipe. Also, I’m going to say I think this ended up being more of a bibimyun than something Indonesian-esque. Anyways, there’s something I made today. It was pretty good! Enjoy!

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Re-Review: Paldo Namja Ramyun (Men’s Ramyun)

I have fallen ill with some kind of head cold it seems and I thought something spicy would be good. My lovely wife Kit was kind enough make me some noodles for breakfast – she’s so good to me! Thought I’d have these – they’re available in the US now, but this is a Re-Review of the pack that is sold in Korea. The version sold in the US will be being reviewed soon! Here’s the link to the original review I did during Paldo’s Meet The Manufacturer.

Finished (click to enlarge). She put some odeng and a slice of processed cheese in. The noodles are great, the flavor is superb. I still agree with the old review – 5.0 out of 5.0 stars! Thanks again to my wife for making me feel better while I feel crummy! I love you! UPC bar code 8809296771018 – get it here.

Dude looks quite serious! Namja commercial

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Filed under * Stars 4.1-5.0, Beef, Chicken, Korea, Paldo / Korea Yakult

#826: Meet The Manufacturer: Paldo Namja Ramyun (Men’s Ramyun)

Here’s a new one from Paldo – Namja. Namja translates to “man” or “guy” – I think they’re saying this is very hot and spicy. I wonder if there will be a product that is made for women as well? Well, let’s see if I’m man enough for this bowl of noodles!

Here’s the back of the package.

A nice big noodle block as always…

The powder seasoning packet.

Well kiddies, by the color of this powder I think it’s going to be spicy!

The veggie packet.

Looks like a nice little collection of veggies in there.

Finished. I took some fresh onion and a little roast beef and a bit of garlic and sauteed in a pan for a few and added on top with a dash of Krazy Mixed Up Salt. Also added a slice of processed cheese. The noodles herein are chewy – and nicely so. The broth is the real star here. It has a very strong spicy punch to it and a nice cascade of garlic taste that is very enjoyable. The vegetables rehydrate very nicely and are enjoyable. This isn’t you regular red broth – it’s definitely going for the ‘gourmet’ palate – and it does that very well. 5.0 out of 5.0 stars – unique and tasty! UPC bar code 8809296771018 – get it here.

Dude looks quite serious! Namja commercial

I don’t always agree with this guy’s reviews, but he’s a great reviewer – always fun to see his reaction to spicy ramyun!


Filed under * Meet The Manufacturer, * Stars 4.1-5.0, Beef, Korea, Paldo / Korea Yakult

Re-Review: Meet The Manufacturer: Paldo Gomtang Oriental Style Noodles With Soup Base

How often do you see Korean instant noodles that aren’t spicy? Well, here’s one of those rare times. Pronounced Gohm-tahng (thanks Moses from Paldo America!), this is a traditional beef noodle soup.

Package back.

Noodle block broke in half – no worries!

A single packet – no veggies in this one.

Lots of seasoning powder. It has a strong sweet and garlic scent that I found very enticing.

Finished. Added some roast beef lunch meat and a little Krazy Mixed Up Salt. This was great! The noodles are a little different – I noticed they include a little rice powder in the mix and I think that’s why they have a slightly chewier texture. I also noticed as the noodles cooked, the broth was getting a creamy white color. The broth is wonderful. The flavor is a sweet, beefy and garlicky melange that is very pleasing. This isn’t a spicy one either. Very good – 4.75 out of 5.0 stars! Delicious! UPC bar code 648436100149 – get it here.

Another vintage Paldo commercial

How to make Korean Gomtang


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Filed under * Meet The Manufacturer, * Stars 4.1-5.0, Beef, Korea, Paldo / Korea Yakult