Tag Archives: mustard

Re-Review: Myojo Ippei-chan Yakisoba Japanese Style Noodles

I’ve been going through the reviews I’ve done over the years with a fine-toothed comb lately and thought this one was most definitely due to a re-review. I know a lot of people enjoy this one, so let’s give it an in-depth look!

Here’s a close-up of the side panels (click image to enlarge).

Here’s the lid (click image to enlarge).

The noodle block.

The main seasoning packet – liquid.

Has a very nice smell – I definitely notice a tuna scent.

A nice sized sachet of veggies.

Lots of leafy greens in here!

A little packet of spices.

Interesting – not sure what all it is.

The finishing touch – this stuff gets drizzled all over everything at the end.

Finished (click image to enlarge). Added stir fry vegetables, sweet onions, kizami shoga (pickled ginger, narutomaki (fish cake – the ones with the spirals), kamaboko (anoth kind of fish cake – the pink half circles), and Urashima Sesame & Salt furikake. This is amazing stuff. The noodles come out so nicely (and authentically). The flavoring is great. Tastes just like yakisoba sauce (which I’m sure it is), which has a Worcestshire taste with other flavors mixed in like tuna. The veggies? Crunchy cabbage works very well. The finishing touch of the mayonnaise mustard is epic – gives it a nice moistness that has a crisp spicy bite. This stuff is excellent – definitely something I would consider gourmet or premium. 5.0 out of 5.0 stars. UPC bar code 011152012469 – get it here.

A Myojo commercial

Funky Soba Bento!!!

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Filed under * Price $1.01 - $2.00, * Stars 4.1-5.0, Japan, Myojo, Other

#928: Kamfen Dried-Mix Noodles Artificial Spicy Pork Flavored

Here’s one I got the other day at 99 Ranch Market. Was hoping they had a few more varieties, but they had two – two closer to the #1000th review! I’m not going to stop, just can’t wait to hit it! I think this one would win the prize for interesting use of upper and lower case characters.

Here’s a scan of the bottom (click to enlarge).

Here are the export stickers (click to enlarge).

Here are the instructions on how to make this (click to enlarge). Going to add the mustard stem at the end as they’re not dehydrated.

An included fork!

The noodles look interesting enough.

Sauce eh?

A paste.

Hey – its mustard stem!

Yeah these don’t look dehydrated – I think I’ll add them at the end.

Finished (click to enlarge). Added some sweet onions, Urashima Sesame & Salt furikake, ham and Krazy Mixed Up Salt. The noodles are kind of like slightly underdone egg noodles, but I don’t think they are at all. Plus, they’re really good – broad and thin. The flavor is quite nice – a little spicy and a nice Chinese pork flavor. The mustard stem goes with it quite well. I like this stuff – 4.0 out of 5.0 stars.UPC bar code 6920363402218 .

An old Sesame Street clip about how Chinese noodles are made.

I couldn’t find anything but thisw video about a really off pot/wok/frying pan.

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Filed under * Price $1.01 - $2.00, * Stars 3.1-4.0, China, Kamfen, Pork

#392: Nissin Yakisoba Noodles Karashi Flavor

I have to say, when I see a box like this with any kind of mayonnaise-like stuff going on, I get really hungry!

So what you do is peel it back, yank the packets out, fill with boiling water, wait, then on the top left there’s a spout which opens up and you drain via that.

So the little top packet is the goopy stuff and the bottom one is the powder base.

After the noodles were drained, you put the powder on and stir vigorously.

Finally, you decorate the meal with the mayonnaise packet. So there’s a little cabbage which re-hydrates perfectly. The noodles are just awesome with the flavoring. Slap that little bit of wasabi infused mayonnaise on top and you’ve got a winner. I love this kind of thing! 5.0 out of 5.0 stars!

Konichi-wa! Frances ix the man!

Yeah I’ve eaten this before

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Filed under * Stars 4.1-5.0, Japan, Nissin, Other

#195: Myojo Chukazanmai Noodles served cool with sesame-flavored rice-vinegar sauce Sesame Flavor

Okay here’s some that I’ve been sitting on for a while. So these are to be served cool – so we’ll see if they’re any good.

A big packet of liquid and a smaller packet of liquid…

So the bulk here is the big packet – a sweet sesame dressing. The little one? Hot mustard!

It said on the back to serve with sliced cucumber, tomato and ham. Well, I had some ham so I tossed some in. So this stuff is pretty good! Kind of sweet and vinegary and with a touch of mustard taste. The noodles are cool and wet (drained and rinsed with cold water) and a little slimy but not gross. I think this is good stuff but not something I’d have again. Maybe but probably not. I’m giving this one a 3.0 out of 5.0 stars – it is unique and interesting and enjoyable, but not my kind of ‘regular’ noodle choice. Get it here.

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Filed under * Stars 2.1-3.0, Japan, Myojo, Other